Hi Jeremy,

I see the following ways to solve this:
- create a DojoReader that will dynamically compress and aggregate Javascript on the fly. - create a Maven Mojo that does the same job as Dojo's ant task, but this needs to be configured at build time.

The first option needs no build time configuration and it allows to generate a minimal javascript library file on the fly that needs to be loaded only once for every configuration of dojo.require statements. The most important question here is: How do we find out, what dojo packages are actually required.


Am 06.10.2006 um 16:42 schrieb Jeremy Quinn:

6. Dojo has an ant build script which uses Rhino to compile and compress all needed dojo code into a single file. This speeds up the client *significantly*. How can we use this better from within Cocoon?

Conclusion: It would be of great advantage to have this dojo compressor build, better integrated into Cocoon, so that an optimised production environment can be used. The compressor does 2 things: aggregate and compress all of the required dojo packages, aggregate all of the html template and css snippets required by the widgets you actually need. This functionality is already in place (src/blocks/ajax/dojo/), it is just not obvious or automatable. Currently you would create a listing of the required dojo libs by hand, then run the build script. Can and should we find a way to automate this?

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