Reinhard Poetz skrev:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
The cocoon:deploy plugin expects a certain directory to be present, that is created a little bit later in the plugin. If you build it twice it will work. See and the rest of the thread.

and as being said, the deployer isn't really necessary if you don't need shielding or want to patch your web.xml.
So, what about making not using the deployer the default? E.g. by putting it in a profile in the poms. There have been several people trying out the trunk lately, (which is really great), and several of them have had problems with the deployer and shielding. IMO we should make it as easy as possible for new people to start experimenting and develop Cocoon 2.2.

With the shielding it seem to be some bug in some environments, but it doesn't happen for me, so there is not much I can do in helping out.


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