Martijn C. Vos wrote:
Jean-Baptiste Quenot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * Grzegorz Kossakowski:
> What I would like to add is that our users already tried[1] to do so. > > [1] Thanks for mentioning this. I remember now about this
 "UnsupportedOperationException" issue on
Indeed, that would be great to allow integration of Cocoon and
 Wicket.  Integration is already possible through the use of
 servlets in web.xml, but of course having the power of sitemaps to
 « mount » a Wicket application would be a plus.

And what about the reverse: a wicket application getting (part of)
its content from cocoon? Because, let's face it, Wicket has a much
nicer separation of logic and presentation than cocoon, where html
is generated by (occasionally very unreadable) XSL files.

Having cocoon provide the content, and using Wicket to add forms
and turn it into a real website sounds to me like the ideal way
to work.

I've started to look into Wicket because I'm not satisfied with what I've used so far (cForms, JSF, Tapestry 4, Struts) when it comes to the development of *rich client apps* in XHTML/CSS/JS. From what I've seen I'm impressed but not fully convinced yet because there are two other appealing approaches available: 1) GWT and 2) Ajax/REST.

GWT offers an even more appealing programming model than Wicket because you don't have to deal with HTML at all, though I'm not sure if this is an advantage or disadvantage. I'm also not sure how easy it is to change the look'n'feel of a GWT app.

The Ajax/REST alternative (Daniel and Marc were thinking loud about such an approach recently) is a third interessting option for me. Since I'm a fan of ROA and many Ajax frameworks have made great progress for the last years, it would be my first choice. The downside is the poor tool support compared to the two others.

If you wonder why I still need (like) Cocoon: I consider it as being the best option to build resource orientated applications. Together with Cocoon's Spring integration and the servlet-service framework it's a real great programming platform.

I've been thinking about the advantages of a cocoon-like framework
in Wicket, but I don't know enough about the fundamentals of either
to tell how good or bad an idea that would be, or how much work.

 However, this would require a dedicated URL space like /wicket/**
 because Wicket has its own strategies for controlling the URLs.

Very annoying, that. I consider this Wicket's main (only?) weakness.

I want the strengths of both Wicket and Cocoon, without the weaknesses of either.

I guess that you can use the Cocoon source resolver within Wicket right now. You only need to get access to the Spring application context and perform a lookup to get a reference. (Provided that you implement the missing wrapper methods which Grek mentioned recently.)

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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