If you fix a bug in 2.1 it should obviously go to trunk. 2.1.11 has not been released so if you know of a bug that applies to 2.1.x that is fixed in trunk, IMO it should also be applied to 2.1.x. I would recommend that this policy be followed until 2.2.0 is released. Past that I would suggest that fixes be targeted to 2.2. If something critical were to come up that could affect 2.1 it would be nice to have it mentioned here so that someone who cares could apply it if they want to.


Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Bertrand Delacretaz pisze:
On Nov 17, 2007 9:49 AM, Ralph Goers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
...If someone finds a bug and wants to fix it and do a release of 2.1.x
they should be free to do so....
Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Agree with Ralph, there's no need to "close" anything, if people want
to fix bugs on older versions that's one of the beauties of open
source: no one forces you to upgrade, as long as you're ready to fix
what you're using if needed.

Ok, lesson taken. :-)

Just to clarify, we don't have policy to keep 2.1 and trunk in sync, anymore. 

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