Luca Morandini pisze:
> I must admit I am a bit uneasy about this dependency, which adds
> considerably to the JAR-tonnage of Cocoon even when the user is not
> interested in Ajax forms.
> Is this inevitable or there is a way to disentangle the two blocks ?
> As far as I understand one has to change forms-field-styling.xsl to
> avoid loading DoJo widgets if not needed, but I ignore whether there are
> other links to sever.

Dojo is used to only handle Ajax mode of Forms but to handle advanced field 
styling of Forms widgets
as well that has nothing to do with Ajax.
Advanced styling means for example date picker which is done by Dojo's widget.

This means that Forms must depend on Ajax (Dojo to be more precise) despite the 
fact you use Ajax or

I hope this clarifies a little bit.

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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