Reinhard Pötz wrote:

Cocoon 2.2 already uses cocoon-pipeline-api-1.0.0, cocoon-sitemap-api-1.0.0., etc.

Yes, I know - this complicates things a little bit.

What concrete name and version number should we use for what we call corona-pipeline now? cocoon-pipeline-1.0.0 or cocoon-pipeline-2.0.0 Or do you propose to split up corona-pipeline and corona-sitemap into api/impl/components like we did in trunk? (NB: I would vote -100 on this because it just doesn't make sense to split up things into api and impl modules when there is most probably no second implementation in sight.)
If there is no need to split,we shouldn't. I think the current corona stuff is a pipeline api so we should call it api :) Even if there are implementation classes in the package.

Don't you think that this will blur the lines between Cocoon trunk and the Corona code too much and make it really difficult to understand what modules can be used together?
Hmm, yes, perhaps - unfortunately we were not good when we introduced the current 2.2 module names.

Additionally we would carve it in stone that Corona becomes the next major version of Cocoon. Not that I'm against this in general, but I'm not sure if it isn't too early for such a decision.
Ok, we have several options: we could use 3.0.0 as version numbers, like pipeline-api-3.0.0 etc. This makes clear that this stuff is not usable with all the 2.x versions, but obviously this would create a strong perception of what would be a Cocoon 3.0.

The other option I see is to use names that 2.2 is currently not using, like cocoon-pipe, but I don't think that this is a very clear distinguisher.

Seigh, it's not that easy :( But on the other hand using a fantasy name doesn't really help either. If we have cocoon-pipeline-api-2.2 and corona-pipeline-api-1.0 it's as confusing.

The corona stuff is an evolution of 2.2, so I think we should use functional names with version numbers 3.x and above. Hopefully this pays off in the long run.


Carsten Ziegeler

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