Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
I guess this e-mail is already long enough to cut it here. If you are 
interested in my ideas on providing functional implementation of sitemap (that 
would be inspired by some characteristics of bash) I could write a little bit 
more on it with some details.

Interesting thoughts, especially as I am myself interested in functional programming, which I started with Javascript, then learned Erlang and looked at Scala as a very interesting way to bring those programming paradigms to the Java platform.

Now we have to think about what this community is about, and what we can do to make it successful again. An open source community is a delicate balance between interest of developers in developing the product, and interest of users in actually using the product. The concept of "interest" covers many different aspects: for developers, this includes a combination of hacking pleasure, pure altruism, strengthening a business related to the product, socializing with like-minded people, etc. For users, it includes being able to be efficient and productive, finding support from developers and other users, and being able to understand the product to tune it and ultimately write bugfixes and patches, opening the way to committership.

The Cocoon community has been a bit special in this regard, since Cocoon allows to do quite complex stuff with a small amount of "code" (sitemap and XSLT are code) and without requiring strong programming skills. I remember someone sending a "Thank you" email, explaining how Cocoon allowed him to do stuff he wouldn't have been able to do without it, and thus start a consulting business that allowed him to work from home and spend more time with his family. How rewarding for us developers! Cocoon allows less skilled users to _do_ stuff, and skilled developers to be highly productive. This is why this complex product attracted brillant innovation but at the same time was more accessible to average people than less sophisticated products.

Looking at our website, I think we have forgotten what forms our community: "Apache Cocoon is a Spring-based framework (since version 2.2 of Cocoon) built around the concepts of separation of concerns and component-based development. Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of component pipelines, each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular operation."

Well, Cocoon old-timers understand what it means (at least roughly in my case, as I never digged into blocks). Now put yourself as a newcomer, especially a less skilled person representing the largest part of our users. What the heck is this Cocoon stuff all about? What kind of problems does it solve? How is it different/better than other products I can find at Apache and elsewhere?

Cocoon has been very successful by being a superb integration platform for everything that can be represented as XML, and there are blocks for every Apache-compatible library that can produce or consume XML. Even music, and I've seen people's jaws dropping when I showed them the Bach prelude being processed in XSLT. Over time blocks have accumulated, the framework has been abstracted and modularized to become even more flexible and address even more problems, but this came with a price: newcomers simply can't grasp what Cocoon is about.

Also, Cocoon has been an incredible source of innovation, with its component architecture, the ReSTful sitemap, the mighty (but complex) portal, server-side scripting, continuations, etc. But the outside world has also innovated, and new frameworks/techniques have emerged, at all levels of the stack: Spring as a replacement for Avalon, Wicket for complex forms, GWT and many others for Ajax, aggregated pages and portals are now replaced with Ajax gadgets, etc.

The newer products aren't necessarily easier to use, but are probably easier to grasp because they do less, or have more introductory material, or are more "standard" (i.e. widely accepted, be it for good reasons or not). There also has been simpler approaches such as Django, Ruby on Rails, or the numerous PHP equivalents.

Coming back to the original proposal, my opinion is that writing Cocoon in a functional language would be a fun exercise, but nobody would use it because nobody in this community would understand it. Note that I say _this_ community, since for example the CouchDB community happily hacks hard-core functional Erlang.

Also we have to consider that the XML hype is fading away and that the times of "everything can be represented as XML" are over, for good reasons or not. Welcome JSON as a replacement to XML for data interchange, because it's much more lightweight, native in browsers, and more typed than XML (it has numbers, arrays, maps).

Considering this, my personal opinion is that XML pipelines still have a value, but this value has been reduced back to the original goals of Cocoon: document transformation for multiple presentations. But it's no more good as the foundation of a whole application since other techniques and new approaches (esp Ajax and JSON) have made it easier.

At least this is my feeling and own experience. At $work we have a full-ajax portal, and a very simple URL-matching Java library that has most of the sitemap matching features in a dozen classes, and a super-lightweight XML pipeline engine to adapt HTML pages for the web or mobile phones. And we use Wicket for data-intensive backoffice webapps.

So what does this all mean for our community? What community of users should we target? The historical community described above, or a new kind of community? What's in Cocoon to make it appealing to newcomers? XML pipelines, the sitemap, server-side scripting and continuations. Cocoon 2.2 has buried them under a huge technical and presentational complexity.

Cocoon 3 builds on these core values, but is already IMHO too complex by having more than a dozen different modules. Note that this complexity is more organizational than technical, but it makes it too difficult for people to find their way there (that was my case). Also, a complete rewrite is needed, but at the same time we should not forget all the technical expertise that has been put in Cocoon over the years (e.g. cache, work arounds for well-known Xalan quirks, etc) and completely reinvent the wheel. Difficult exercise.

I know this mail brings more questions than answers, and Cocoon has to reinvent itself, both from a technical and a community point of view. Are we ready for this reinvention? Can a consensus emerge on what it should be? The answer is ours.

Thanks for reading so far.


Sylvain Wallez -

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