Andreas Hartmann schrieb:
Hi Thorsten,

Thorsten Scherler schrieb:
On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 10:09 +0100, Thorsten Scherler wrote:
Hi all,
I encountered a very weird problem that happened suddenly. ...
You can test it by doing

I opened an issue
which contains a test class and instructions to use them.

I see (while debugging) in the IncludeXMLConsumer that comment(...) is
not being called but does it e.g. for startElements.

Anybody has a clue what is going on?

I welcome ANY suggestions.

StringXMLizable.toSAX() sets only the content handler of the SAX parser.

Maybe it makes sense to set the lexical handler, if possible?

    public void toSAX(ContentHandler contentHandler) throws SAXException {
        final SAXParser parser = getContext().parser;

+       if (contentHandler instanceof LexicalHandler) {
+           parser.getXMLReader().setProperty(
+             "";,
+             (LexicalHandler) contentHandler);
+       }

        InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(data));
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SAXException(e);

-- Andreas

Andreas Hartmann, CTO
BeCompany GmbH
Tel.: +41 (0) 43 818 57 01

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