On 28/02/2011 09:28, Simone Tripodi wrote:
Hi again,
Francesco, did you receive your account activation?

No Simone, still nothing here...

If not...: Reinhard, do you know who I have to ping?

Many thanks in advance!

2011/2/25 Francesco Chicchiriccò<francesco.chicchiri...@tirasa.net>:
On 25/02/2011 09:57, Simone Tripodi wrote:
on a side note: Francesco, did you receive the account activation?
It's been a while now and looks like it's taking time...
please let me know!
Hi Simone,
unfortunately nothing has arrived so far :-(

Dott. Francesco Chicchiriccò
Amministratore unico
Tel +393290573276

Tirasa S.r.l.
Via XXXX Pescara
Tel / FAX +39085000000

"To Iterate is Human, to Recurse, Divine"
(James O. Coplien, Bell Labs)


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