Dear Sir / Madam

To understand the compatibility of


on the Microsoft Windows 7 platform, I would like to receive some information 
regarding the following questions:

1. Is the application compatible with Windows 7 Enterprise?
2. Is the application compatible with Windows 7 Enterprise SP1?
3. Is the application compatible with Windows 7 Enterprise (SP1) 64-bit 
4. Is the application compatible with Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows 
Server 2008 R2?
5. Is there a 64-bit version of the application available?
6. if so, what version?
7. If not, it is planned and possibly when?
8. If the application is compatible, then you recommend this application to 32 
bit or 64 bit install (in case of any available 32-bit plugins, add-ons, 
drivers, etc.)?

Thank you in advance for your help.

With kind regards,

Jurgen Derksen


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