Hello all,
we, the maintainers of the Piwi Framework are currently discussing if
we move to the ASF.http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/piwi/?redir=1
Piwi is an xml/xslt transformation framework in PHP. The reason I
write to this list is because Piwi has stolen many things from Cocoon
:-) We are speaking of Generators, Pipelines, Transformers,
Serializers etc. As you can imagine, Piwi is some kind of PHP
implementation of Cocoon. Due to the different nature of PHP we differ
on various places from Cocoon. But after all you can say, if you
manage to work with Cocoon, you have a good chance to understand Piwi
very quickly.
Therefore it might make sense to run Piwi as some kind of Cocoon subproject.

Piwis goal is to create web applications quickly (as so many frameworks).

One of the problems we currently are facing is community. Piwi has
only a small community, users know each one face to face. There are
many strong frameworks out there, like the Zend MVC. This might be a
problem Zeta Components is facing too (another ASF project).

Now I am an ASF committer and member, working on various projects
(including the incubator). For me it makes perfect sense to move the
project to the incubator and start building up a community. Other
projects like Zeta Components and log4php might benefit from it.
Anyway, to make this happen we need help. We are only two guys and
therefore we are looking for other Apache Committers who are
interested in stepping up as initial committers, mentors, champion.
Please shout, if you are interested or let me know what you think abou it


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