
while working on the Zip64 stuff I deliberately created some invalid
archives to test I get the expected exceptions.  While doing so I
realized I couldn't close the underlying stream because
ZipArchiveOutputStream's close would throw an exception as finish()
failed before ever closing the wrapped stream.  The calling code may not
even have a handle to the underlying stream if it used the File-arg
constructor and so in the end a broken archive leaks the file

Then I went looking through the other implementations and found we are
consistent here as far as archivers and bzip2 go.  All of them will not
close the underlying stream if the archive/stream is invalid.  I'm not
sure what gzip does as it just delegates to close in the Java classlib's

I wonder whether we should rather change the behavior to always close
the underlying stream or whether we should add a new method - I called
in destroy in ZipArchiveOutputStream - that does so.

Or maybe we just document it for 1.3, add destroy as a non-common method
where needed (like in ZIP, in all other cases the user code should have
access to the underlying stream) - and revisit this in the 2.x
timeframe, even though I can't see what could be broken by always
closing the stream in a finally block.

Does anybody see a good reason why the close behavior should stay the
way it is right now?


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