On 1/26/2012 6:59 AM, Henri Yandell wrote:
On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Christian Grobmeier
<grobme...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 9:17 PM, Benedikt Ritter
<b...@systemoutprintln.de>  wrote:
But i found only discussions about duration&    joda-time dated 2004.

Now i really need in Duration functionality (especially such as

I heard about joda-time a while ago. My impression is, that the joda project
is not that active anymore (please correct me, if I'm wrong). So I would
vouch for additions to lang regarding durations. What I'm also really
missing in lang.time is conversation of durations. For example:
DurationUtils.convertToMinutes(long seconds).
Joda Time is imho a great lib. Before a few weeks I replaced all the
JDK stuff with Joda and it really saved my life. There was a release
in July 2011 or so and my impression is more this lib is stable and
does not need many releases. Actually I can't imagine a feature I miss
in Joda at the moment.

I don't understand the Commons point on this issue.

- Commons Lang doesn't need in own implementation of this
functionality and you suggest use joda-time?
- Commons Lang needs in simple&    lightweight implementation of Duration?

Also i cannot find correspond issue in jira (but Eric Crampton in 2004
wrote about
"Commons Lang task list that there is a need for DateRange/Duration
As you said, it is a while ago, since this was discussed. So let's review
this topic again.

What are your thoughts?
Hen (who is mainly behind lang) and Gary already mentioned, they don't
want to replicate Joda code into [lang]. I don't see any reasons why
we should do that now. Instead I would prefer to mark the time package
as deprecated and point users to joda. time does rely on jdk classes
and as I have found out by own experience, it is dangerous to work
with them.
Long-term vision wise; my expectation is to drop our time package like
a lead balloon as soon as Joda enters the JDK :)

Just to clarify: Joda is not entering the JDK. JSR-310 has been proposed and might make it into the JDK, but JSR-310 is not Joda.



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