> The key phrase is "which would be stupid" which you as a consumer have zero
> control over. People do stupid things all the time.

If people use a package that is called "internal" or something - there is
nothing anyone can do.
And really beyond the point.

> > To be more explicit. I am maintaining org.vafer.jdependency which uses
> > org.objectweb.asm.
> > If you look at the final jar you find
> >
> >   org/vafer/jdeb/shaded/objectweb/asm/*.class
> >
> > The shaded classes are relocated and become part of the context of the
> > library that is shading.
> > A shading hell is just not possible as long as there are no classpath
> > problems on the library itself.
> >
> And this contributes to the problem: This library has now made it
> impossible to pick up a fix in ASM or just plain support for a new Java
> version.

It does not - at all ...and is a completely different topic.

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