(dropping security@c.a.o to avoid cross-posting between private and public

On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 6:26 PM
<some-java-user-99206970363698485...@vodafonemail.de.invalid> wrote:

> as suggested in the comments on
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IMAGING-354 I am now raising this
> issue here instead.

Thanks for sharing your experience!

> In summary, I tried reporting a potential security vulnerability to the
> maintainers of Commons Imaging in the past, and at least in my opinion
> the communication was not ideal.

I know which issue you are referring to. Unfortunately, the reason we
haven't provided you with progress updates on it, is because there hasn't
_been_ much progress on it. The response time has been longer than we'd
like here. This is in part because Apache Commons is a wide-ranging
project, and security issues are initially only shared within the Commons
Security group. Sometimes it can take a while to find someone with the
time, energy and expertise to pick up a particular issue.

If you have any time to (privately) contribute to the solution of this
issue yourself that would of course be warmly appreciated.

In my opinion it would be great to
> consider additional / alternative ways to sending vulnerability reports
> per mail because you cannot track progress there properly at all, and
> you constantly have to keep the issue in the back of your head fearing
> that otherwise it might just be forgotten.

Luckily, if you have received our confirmation of the issue, this means we
are internally tracking it and it will not be forgotten on our side. As was
clearly the case here, that is unfortunately no guarantee that it will be
resolved quickly - that will not change by changing the reporting
mechanism. That said, allowing vulnerability reports to be provided through
alternative ways (such as GitHub Private Vulnerability Reporting) is
definitely on our radar. We're working out some challenges to fit it into
the rest of our workflow, though, and it will depend on the project whether
they choose to use it.

Kind regards,

Arnout Engelen
ASF Security Response

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