Hi Claude,

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 5:38 AM, <dev-digest-h...@community.apache.org>

> Are you willing to organize this? I've never been much of a fan of poster
> sessions at conferences, but others will strongly disagree with me, I'm
> sure.

Just been at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Fran. Around
26,000 people there. Also literally thousands of posters.
ApacheCon, for me anyways, has always been a conference in the corridors. I
feel that having posters would only add to this atmosphere and I feel it is
a fantastic idea (sorry Ross :)).
I feel that this is especially suited to the Science and Research track
where people could even reuse posters they have used elsewhere to further
promote their research.
Claude, I am willing to work with you to organize this.

> It might be a good idea to have these in the hackathon space. Where folks
> from the involved projects are present they could locate themselves near
> the posters.

Great idea Ross.

> Anyway, it will only happen if someone steps up to organize it.
Claude and Lewis. We are on it. I think we should make it a casual affair
though and as Ross has stated near to the hackathon rooms.

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