On 08/11/2017 02:09 AM, William A Rowe Jr wrote:

> FWIW, a computer (computationalist) was a stereotype that there were
> many smart people who could not engineer, but could perform
> calculations. I don't think you want to go there.

Computationalist was/is a far more appropriate term, than what those
individuals would otherwise have been called (^1).  Depending upon whose
research you believe, the first group was either exclusively black
females, or white females. Either the second or third group was
exclusively females of the race that the first group was not.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to find "Code like a girl" used as an
epithet with those women.

^1: One major issue is that the work they did was, and, to a degree,
remains classified. For employment purposes a term was needed that was
sufficiently vague that only those who did the job, and their immediate
supervisors had a general idea of what they did, but specific enough, so
that outsiders would know that their job was not-x, where "x" could be
anything, including their specific job function.


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