Thanks, everyone, for your responses and great ideas. It would be really nice if we could have our first episode ready to send to new members as soon as they come on board.

Who will volunteer to do the first session with me? What I need is (I'm making this up, so feel free to push back)

Someone who:
* been a member for several years, possibly former board member, but that's certainly not required
* speaks clearly
* has a very clear understanding of what we expect of members
* Has 20 minutes to get on a video call with me, and can do this either Friday of this week, or Monday of next week, so that I have a chance of editing and publishing in time.

The first episode will cover the following simple points:

* Members are expected to attend member meetings and vote
* Members get access to internal resources that they didn't have before, but we still expect everything to be done in public if it possibly can

Also, I need to regain access to the YouTube channel, which I have lost at some point. I expect that I'll need to work with Sally about that.

Finally, Bertrand (or, anyone else!!) do you still compose music? What are the chances we could get a 10-second intro musical piece, like you did for FeatherCast so many years ago?


On 03/12/2018 02:08 PM, Rich Bowen wrote:
As you may have seen on members@ (those of you who are members) I'd like to do a series of New Member Orientation sessions (probably video, to be posted to the ASF YouTube channel, where we cover things like:

* What are the rights and responsibilities of a Member?
* How are members selected/elected?
* What does the Board do?

stuff like that.

Based on my experience with producing this kind of content elsewhere, I would suggest that we do one topic per video, rather than trying to do a comprehensive everything video. This would be supplementary content to go with

and will perhaps make that content more accessible to people that are currently not seeing what has been written, or prefer content in a different format than the current text.

I am very aware that not everyone on this list is a member. However, I believe this content will be valuable both as internal and external resources, to educate the world as to how we operate, while increasing internal knowledge.

A number of people have indicated, on the members list, that this is a good and useful thing to do. Now we have to actually do it.

Here's what I see as the way forward:

* Clearly identify the topics to cover. The three above are, I think, a great place to start. * Identify who can speak to each one of these and what format we want to do. I am ready and available to do this in interview style, if desired. I do this as part of my day job. Or we can do a round-table discussion type thing, if we wanted to have a few people doing it. Or I can just start making videos and people can yell at me when I get something wrong. :-)
* Schedule the recordings.

This is also something that we can do on-site at ApacheCon or other events where 2 or more of us are gathered. I *always* have my video gear with me.

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