Rich Bowen wrote on 10/1/18 8:40 AM:
> In the days following ApacheCon, I need some folks to step up to do a
> few things. Here's a partial list. I'm sure there will be more.
> * Update

Done: Added ACNA18 details.
> * Update site to reflect upcoming events

Done: Index now points to DC Roadshow.  Homepage points to DC Roadshow
registration and notes ACNA18 was a smashing success.

> * Twitter schedule for session recordings - specifically, take the list
> of session recordings from, and put them
> into a Hootsuite import csv format, or at least into a spreadsheet that
> I can turn into one.
> * Promote videos of keynotes, and LTs, via social media.
> * Create timestamp index of lightning talk video -
> - with the start of each individual
> lightning talk.

Shane "Five Things You Might Not Know About Apache" t=147

What we need to know here is:
- mm:ss where each speaker is about to start
- Speaker name and talk title - perhaps Ruth/Daniel have notes from the
sign-up sheet?

Then Rich or someone with admin privs can add description lines like:

(mm:ss) Speaker - Title

that youtube auto-links within the video.

> Please raise your hand for one of the above tasks, but only if you
> actually have time for it. No licked cookies, please.


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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