this article crossed my news feed today:

here's a key takeaway:

> [...] in companies that explicitly held meritocracy as a core value,
managers assigned greater rewards to male employees over female employees
with identical performance evaluations. This preference disappeared where
meritocracy was not explicitly adopted as a value.

many aspects of this piece mirror something I wrote for Model View Culture
a few years ago:

namely, that "the meritocracy" is a status quo supporting, hierarchy
legitimizing myth used to justify people's existing social status and

I'll say what I've said before: it's long since time for us to critically
examine the way we use the concept of "meritocracy" at Apache (this is
especially true in 2019 given what we know about the lack of diversity at
the ASF)

when I was writing about this in 2014, I was already a few years behind the
curve re discourse about culture and tech diversity. it's now 2019 and even
FastCompany is writing about it

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