Hey Daniel,

Yes I'm going to be involved in more than just the booth while I'm there
so I'm expecting someone else to take the lead on this.  Happy to
provide support.

- Bob

On 10/29/2019 5:56 PM, Daniel Ruggeri wrote:
> +1.... I'm a "non-ComDev-er", too, and I'm still allowed to hang at the booth.
> I didn't realize it was more than 8 hrs drive from STL to ATL... I mean 
> jeez... They're just one letter different and the A and S keys are so close!!!
> (eyeroll from *really* bad joke)
> I took a look at current flights/lodging and it doesn't quite work from an 
> out of pocket cost standpoint for me, so I think I'll step back for now. Glad 
> to see Bob is already planning to be there and it's great to see David can 
> also make it. I'm happy to coordinate remotely if that'd be helpful or pitch 
> in however I can?

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