
I was invited by Microsoft to keep a session during the Virtual Build
They are arranging a specific branch of the conference the next Wednesday
and it will be in italian language. My session will be during the Open
Source slot, I'll talk about the Foundation basics in around 5 minutes :-P

After me there will be also Alessio Biancalana talking about Apache
CouchDB, Alessio became a Committer of the project in February.

Considering this new involvement, I have just created a generic template
for our presentations that could be available for everyone who wants to
prepare any Apache related session at conferences. The template is a new
version of the last one found in the speaker FAQ page of ApacheConNA19:

So I started from this template and I created a new one more generic,
practically I only changed the ApacheCon logo with the Foundation logo and
the ApacheCon feather with an Apache Way feather. You can take a look at
the new template from this Google Drive shared folder where you will find
two formats (pptx and odp):

I'm wondering if it can be published in our wiki or privately comdev or
committers folder.

Please let me know your feedback.
Have a nice day.



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