Where are we with this release? 

Alexander Sorokin did some analysis on plugin build failures because of this 
ios-4.0-dev and there are quite a few.

This spreadsheet summarizes the build failures with the build log in a comment:

Quite a few of the failures are because of the removal of NsData+Base64.h 
 What's the rationale behind removing this? Did we deprecate these methods 
before we removed them?
I understand the changes for plugin developers are simple - but it does seem to 
require a number of plugins to be updated to ensure apps are not broken.

It will be great to publish a blog post on cordova blog about these breaking 


-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Santana [mailto:csantan...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2015 10:22 PM
To: dev@cordova.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] cordova-ios 4.0.0 release

+1 Choo Choo ...

I reviewed all links in your proposal and they look and don't have concerns

IBM MobileFirst was affected only by the API change of using webviewengine now 
but that's so far the only major change

In the kaban board for 4.0 there are some issues I consider nice to have that 
are not blockers to get a 4.0 out for iOS if we get closed to the ios9 launched 
date they can be deferred to a 4.0.1

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 7:38 PM Shazron <shaz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Gotta get the train going again, it's been too long.
> The kanban board for this is at:
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fissue
> s.apache.org%2fjira%2fsecure%2fRapidBoard.jspa%3frapidView%3d76&data=0
> 1%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40microsoft.com%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb286%7
> c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=b11%2bCUSw4d5Q9SN%2b8roAWo
> Ra2plB0lJXeCJb9RC2Sqw%3d
> Please help if you can by assigning an issue to yourself, and 
> selecting the "Start Progress" button. This will show who is working 
> on what in the middle "In Progress" column.
> I've trimmed this and it includes cordova-ios platform issues, and 
> some plugin issues. Priority given to platform issues of course, and 
> issues with iOS 9. If there is a pressing issue that needs to go in, 
> assign it the label "cordova-ios-4.0.x" but propose it to this thread 
> first so we don't get de-railed, there's only so much room on the 
> train. Similarly if you think an issue can get thrown off the train to 
> cordova-ios-5.0.x, post on this thread.
> Focus is on core plugin stability with the new platform, since it does 
> have API changes. If downstream distribution people are on this list, 
> this concerns your third-party plugins too.
> The easiest way to test if it affects your plugin building:
> ```
> cordova platform add 
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithu
> b.com%2fapache%2fcordova-ios.git&data=01%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40microsoft.c
> om%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb286%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db
> 47%7c1&sdata=%2fyEILBHFok2F6BK9aeOOd3ibr3V4GNFhvhWWek%2fRqjs%3d
> cordova plugin add your-plugin-id
> cordova build
> ```
> Plugin updates and highlights:
>     - API changes doc:
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fapache%2fcordova-ios%2fblob%2fmaster%2fguides%2fAPI%2520changes%2520in%25204.0.md&data=01%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40microsoft.com%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb286%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=oc6rb7Mbb2%2bDmKRPwtRBd3jyl0gh74mA5I%2fwiHLpqhM%3d
>     - 3 new private core plugins to the platform:
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fapache%2fcordova-ios%2ftree%2fmaster%2fCordovaLib%2fClasses%2fPrivate%2fPlugins&data=01%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40microsoft.com%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb286%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=xoM2X4%2bcjp9oqKHhtviNfEdimxiIR%2bTJrg80tI1Fbek%3d
>     - Plugin localized strings and resource loading:
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fapache%2fcordova-ios%2fblob%2fmaster%2fCordovaLib%2fClasses%2fPublic%2fCDVPlugin%252BResources.h&data=01%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40microsoft.com%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb286%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=m2xhhALHTJ8rb2aPg68hMWVcU9ebo51zGXwihQEr1LY%3d
>    - Preferences helper:
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fapache%2fcordova-ios%2fblob%2fmaster%2fCordovaLib%2fClasses%2fPublic%2fNSDictionary%252BCordovaPreferences.h&data=01%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40microsoft.com%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb286%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=jUUM60Yks2vRWVPJdeUc8Hhek3CuH6bYKwQlbXDZSxM%3d
>    - WebViews as plugins. UIWebView is a private core plugin (see above).
> WKWebView as a plugin installable
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithu
> b.com%2fapache%2fcordova-plugins%2ftree%2fmaster%2fwkwebview-engine&da
> ta=01%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40microsoft.com%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb2
> 86%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=oxWiqvoBbVXRKZVL64w2WO
> XjbBJ%2fdvVu2cBVnV4hf9Y%3d
> I also want to highlight this scenario which a lot of people will
> encounter:
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fissue
> s.apache.org%2fjira%2fbrowse%2fCB-9592&data=01%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40micro
> soft.com%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb286%7c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7c
> d011db47%7c1&sdata=oMjN7hq1FiR8YIr7tk6t4L8cG6FwAlCHVCiV7MYZdQs%3d
> I had to trim features and push it off to cordova-ios-5.0.x:
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fissue
> s.apache.org%2fjira%2fsecure%2fRapidBoard.jspa%3frapidView%3d86&data=0
> 1%7c01%7cnikhilkh%40microsoft.com%7c457cbbc8d60c461beede08d2b41fb286%7
> c72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=4N1dxtFBRjM%2fgJULVWBYLc0Z
> NH7rJArJX5KlvDBqC68%3d
> Planned ship/vote date is around iOS 9 release time, which I believe 
> is in
> 2 weeks or so (mid Sept 2015).
> Choo choo....

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