On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hooray what a great thread :)
> I was on the cusp of starting one like it myself, although for different 
> reasons. Turns out the the details are all the same.
> First, the wiki. While it works most of the time and includes most important 
> information it is neither a pleasure to look at nor to work with. It is great 
> that it is a low barrier of entry for contributions, which is a property that 
> we should keep for any potentially other documentation system.
> In addition, the wiki has many other issues that are system inherent, like 
> the inability to link a code version with a docs version e.g.
> Here is what is a rough outline of what I propose that solves many of the 
> current problems. This is a proposal and I am happy to amend, discard or 
> accept it based on your comments.
> My company hired a top documentation writer (MC Brown of MySQL fame, who is 
> unavailable this week, but he'll pick up this thread eventually :) last year 
> and he's been working on our documentation ever since. Of course, since we 
> are distributing a version of Apache CouchDB, the bulk of the documentation 
> overlaps with what is applicable to Apache CouchDB.
> In addition to producing the raw documentation, he also developed a 
> documentations system derived and improved from his experiences with the 
> MySQL documentation system. It is based on DocBook and you can find it on 
> GitHub (https://github.com/CouchOne/CouchDocs produced HTML is in the 
> gh-pages branch (ignore the last-modified date for a second)).
> We'd be happy to both donate the documentation system and contents to Apache 
> CouchDB as well as have MC spend some of his time working on the official 
> documentation (as well as improving the build system) as any improvements 
> would be mutually beneficial.
> The documentation system can be managed in version control and understands 
> the notion of releases (I'll leave it to MC to explain the details, if that 
> is needed).
> The documentation system itself does not yet solve the problem of a low 
> barrier of entry, but there are a few ways to achieve that. My favourite 
> example of this is the PHP documentation where there main docs are in DocBook 
> (surprise) and each rendered HTML page has a comments section open to anyone 
> (including spam, alas, but that seems to be not a big issue). The PHP 
> documentation team has the capabilities to take a comment and make it a bug 
> report with a single click. Once the ticket is closed, the comment 
> disappears, or is marked as "integrated". I find that rather neat. 
> Alternatively, we can start manually by embedding a Discuss on every page 
> that we maintain manually until we have a more integrated solution, small 
> steps and all. I don't think requiring users to sign up for JIRA to report a 
> docs issue is a good idea.
> To get all of the above accomplished, I think it is worth thinking about an 
> Apache CouchDB Documentation team that can tackle the documentation related 
> issues independently from the core developers. Of course, interaction is 
> required, especially when developers "forget" (hehe) to document new 
> features, but I think this is a good time to open up the project to more 
> contributors for different areas.
> Note that I am not trying to push something my company has done, I'm just 
> proposing a potential solution to the problem of sub-par docs for Apache 
> CouchDB with the strong desire to get this fixed. I hope you like the 
> proposal, but I'm eager to hear your comments.
> What do you think?
> Cheers
> Jan
> --
> On 13 Jun 2011, at 11:23, Noah Slater wrote:
>> I wish we could do something about the spam.
>> I don't like playing whackamole.

If Noah agrees with the doc system then I'm in. I point him out
specifically because of the work I know he was responsible for on the
O'Reilly book and he had a couple iterations of how to maintain a
large amount of text with code and image inserts so AFAICT he's
probably in the best position to make a judgement of what'll be
awesome or not.

Except for the comments. I agree that we need to allow for super easy
contributions without a login, but comments are a blight on the
internet. Perhaps a mailto link that opens up dev@ or a form that just
emails dev@ or maybe a special docs@ list. If we're gonna work on
making our docs all pretty, the last thing we should do is give the
collective internet-as-five-year-olds group a big marker to draw all
over them.

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