Ok, fair enough, +0 from me with a note that I'd still prefer to see this limit 
aligned with 4.x limits, so users wouldn't have to adjust to this change twice.


> On Feb 1, 2021, at 14:47, Nick Vatamaniuc <vatam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am +1 to lowering as it's better than infinity.
> But I also see Eric's point. I was surprised a while back just like
> Eric that I could successfully upload >1GB-sized files.  So why not
> 0.5GB or 2GB? I am thinking 2GB was (is?) a common limit on some OSes
> and file systems (FAT32) since they use ints for file size and
> offsets. Since our attachment won't be saved as is in the file systems
> inside a .couch file 2GB may be too high, so 1GB as a limit makes
> sense to me.
> -Nick
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 1:25 PM Paul Davis <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1
>> Default unlimited seems like an oversight regardless of what we change it to.
>> On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 11:59 AM Eric Avdey <e...@eiri.ca> wrote:
>>> Maybe I didn't express myself clear enough. Setting some finit default is 
>>> not a purpose, it's what you are doing and I'm asking what the reason for 
>>> this change. In other words I'm not asking what are you doing, I'm asking 
>>> why are you doing this.
>>> Introducing a new limit will be a breaking change to anoyone who uploads 
>>> attachments larger than that limit, obviously, so "assumed 1G is large 
>>> enough" sounds really arbitrary to me without any factual support for that 
>>> assumption.
>>> Eric
>>>> On Feb 1, 2021, at 13:15, Bessenyei Balázs Donát <bes...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> The purpose of this vote / PR is to set _some_ finite default. I went
>>>> with 1G as I assumed that would not break anyone's production system.
>>>> I'd support decreasing that limit over time.
>>>> The vote has been open for 72 hours now, but I believe it still needs
>>>> two more +1s to pass.
>>>> Donat
>>>> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 10:44 PM Eric Avdey <e...@eiri.ca> wrote:
>>>>> This got me curious and I tried to upload Ubuntu image as an attachment. 
>>>>> Interestingly CouchDB 3.x accepted first 1.4G of 2.8G file and then 
>>>>> returned proper 201 response with a new doc revision, which I certanly 
>>>>> didn't expect. Should say, that 1.4G seems suspiciously similar to a 
>>>>> normal memory limit for a 32 bit process.
>>>>> Putting this aside, I agree that uploading large attachments is an 
>>>>> anti-pattern and 1G seems excessive, hence my question. I'd expect this 
>>>>> number to be based on something and correlating it with a  technical 
>>>>> limit in 4.x makes a lot of sense to me.
>>>>> Eric
>>>>>> On Jan 28, 2021, at 16:02, Robert Newson <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I think a gigabyte is _very_ generous given our experience of this 
>>>>>> feature in practice.
>>>>>> In 4.x attachment size will necessarily be much more restrictive, so it 
>>>>>> seems prudent to move toward that limit.
>>>>>> I don’t think many folks (hopefully no one!) is routinely inserting 
>>>>>> attachments over 1 gib today, I’d be fairly surprised if it even works.
>>>>>> B.
>>>>>>> On 28 Jan 2021, at 19:42, Eric Avdey <e...@eiri.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>> There is no justification neither here or on the PR for this change, 
>>>>>>> i.e. why this is done. Original infinity default was set to preserve 
>>>>>>> previous behaviour, this change will inadvertently break workflow for 
>>>>>>> users who upload large attachment and haven't set explicit default, so 
>>>>>>> why is it fine to do now? There might be some discussion around this 
>>>>>>> somewhere, but it'd be nice to include it here for sake of people like 
>>>>>>> me who's out of the loop.
>>>>>>> Also 1G limit seems arbitrary - how was it choosen?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Eric
>>>>>>>> On Jan 28, 2021, at 01:46, Bessenyei Balázs Donát <bes...@apache.org> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>> In https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/3347 I'm proposing to set a
>>>>>>>> finite default for max_attachment_size .
>>>>>>>> The PR is approved, but as per Ilya's request, I'd like to call for a
>>>>>>>> lazy majority vote here.
>>>>>>>> The vote will remain open for at least 72 hours from now.
>>>>>>>> Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
>>>>>>>> Donat

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