Thanks Tim,  

I did see that folder and its contents and it seemed the right place to
begin.  What I couldn't find was how/where to refer to one of those
CustomCuiTui.Xml files in an engine description.


On 1/4/18, 1:41 PM, "Miller, Timothy"
<> wrote:

>Peter, I know Sean is busy this week and he may not see this for a while.
>But I tried this method over the summer and got it to work so I'm fairly
>confident that's the right approach still. Some of the details may have
>changed from two years ago, so I would also check out this directory as a
>starting point:
>From: Abramowitsch, Peter <>
>Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:28 AM
>Subject: Re: How to use external CSV or BSV in addition to FastUMLS
>attention Sean [EXTERNAL]
>Further to my previous message, Sean, I was wondering if you could tell
>me whether this answer you gave in 2015, is still the right way to do
>things in ctakes4.x
>Subject:        RE: How to update cTAKES so that new top level categories
>come out based on local
>DD1ZdfsHVXO56wR8erA&e=>     [permalink]
>From:   Finan, Sean (
>Date:   Oct 6, 2015 2:04:56 pm
>List:   org.apache.incubator.ctakes-dev
>From: <Abramowitsch>, Peter Abramowitsch
>Date: Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 12:50 PM
>To: "<>"
>Subject: How to use external CSV or BSV in addition to FastUMLS
>Can someone point me to any up-to-date how-tos on how to include external
>CSV/BSV type resources to add synonyms, and other terms for dictionary
>lookup to augment the FAST UMLS resources that comes out of the box.
>Perhaps I have missed something, but looking at the
>CTakesDictionaryCreator UI, it looks like it is designed only to choose
>subsets of the UMLS data set rather than allowing one to bring in
>completely new information sources.  I scoured the Marklogic ctakes user
>archive, but so many of the entries are old and I'm not sure they
>describe the current way of doing things.
>The only approach I could see would be to take use the AggregateEngine
>description and have it point to the CSV annotator, creating a completely
>new AE but this would build other types of annotation, whereas what I'm
>thinking about is a case for creating identified mentions such as a
>DiseaseDisorderMention based on finding an acronym that the UMLS resource
>doesn't know about, even though the concept in its full textual form is
>I'm sure this is not a unique request and apologize in advance if it has
>already been answered somewhere
>- Peter

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