
I'm quite keen to emded a JAXRS component into DOSGI as I reckon we now have all the pieces in place (proxy based client api support, and Benson's Aegis provider) so it should, fingers crossed, be a fairly straighforward exercise - but then you never know what could actually happen at the development time :-) The only missing thing is that cxf-minimal bundle would need to be upgraded to keep a jaxrs component (+ 250K - which may not be too bad) - but it will be released in 2.2.1 only so DOSGI release would need to be postponed until then - so perhaps such an enhancement can be done later on....

Cheers, Sergey

Hi all,

Since CXF 2.2 is out now I was thinking about what work needs to be
done for a DOSGi 1.0 release.

I've just updated the poms to depend on CXF 2.2, but there's still a
few things to do...

* there is CXF-1966. It would be good to get a solution to this. I
heard that Spring-DM 1.2.0 is going to be released within 2 weeks and
that version should work with Felix 1.4.1, so I'm considering removing
the checked in Equinox jar and moving to 1.2.0-RC1 using Felix for the
moment until we can depend on Spring-DM 1.2.0. Are folks generally ok
with that? Once Equinox 3.5 is released, maybe we can add it back in
to system test runs as a second platform, by obtaining it from maven
or wget or something once its available in a fixed place...
* We need to make sure that all the API's we are using are exactly
correct with the lasted RFC 119 version, e.g. I think we need to add
something to the ServicePublication interface...

Anything else we need to think of?



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