I think I have to -1 this.   Couple legal things need to get ironed out:

1)  Since this is a full "distribution" type thing, what parts of that staging 
area will go into www.apache.org/dist/cxf?     I ASSUME the mutimodule bundle, 
but not really sure.     Also, there needs to be a tar.gz or zip of a "source" 
distribution of the whole contents of the tag.    That would also go into 

2)  I think some stuff in the NOTICE can be removed.   For example: DOSGi 
doesn't ship the MTOSI stuff, that could be removed.   Not major, but if a 
build has to be respun, let's get that cleaned up.

3) For the "distribution" builds, the LICENSE file needs to have at least the 
pointers to the LICENSES of the bundled deps appended to it.   See the LICENSE 
in the cxf distributions.   (remote-resources can do that, I may be able to 
help out tomorrow if I get out from under my backlog of email.  :-(   ) 

4) Actually, IS there a distribution that includes the samples, possible a 
readme, etc...?     Should there be?   Not a big deal either way, but a bit 


On Fri May 1 2009 12:39:48 pm Eoghan Glynn wrote:
> Folks,
> I'm calling a vote to release CXF Distributed OSGi 1.0.
> The dOSGi subproject of CXF provides the Reference Implementation of
> the Distribution Software (DSW) component of the Distributed OSGi
> Specification[1].
> The staging area can be found at:
>   http://people.apache.org/~eglynn/stage_cxf_dosgi
> This release is tagged with cxf-dosgi-ri-1.0 at:
>   http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cxf/dosgi/tags/cxf-dosgi-ri-1.0
> The vote will remain open for at least 72 hours.
> Please consider this call to vote as my +1.
> Cheers,
> Eoghan
> [1] See RFC 119 in http://www.osgi.org/download/osgi-4.2-early-draft3.pdf

Daniel Kulp

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