
cxf-rt-rs-extension-rx ships the code for both (old) RxJava and RxJava2 code. It supports returning RxJava2 Flowable and Observable on the server and accepting it on the client, and the same for the (old) RxJava

While even the (old) RxJava code is very new for CXF, the reality is that RxJava has been around for a while now and with RxJava2 embracing org.reactivestreams, it's hard to see CXF users preferring to start with the (old) RxJava.

The other minor problem is that cxf-rt-rs-extension-rx has optional RxJava and RxJava2 deps to be able to ship the relevant code in the same module and splitting it into 2 modules will be too much at this point.

I suggest that unless some users confirm (I CC to the users) that they need to use the (old) RxJava code, then we just remove it and make things much simpler...

Thanks, Sergey

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