The problem is not about a new module, but about RxJava is a legacy lib, and having a module with 2/3 files with no prospect of going beyond this number is not worth it IMHO


On 16/11/17 11:15, Andrey Redko wrote:
Hey Sergey,

I think the "ideal" in this case depends on whom to ask. For us - yet
another module to support, for users - out of the box integration. With new
module we could collect a bit more insights if people use it or not. No use
- drop in next releases. Thanks.

Best Regards,
     Andriy Redko

On Nov 16, 2017 4:42 AM, "Sergey Beryozkin" <> wrote:

Hi Andriy

As I said, introducing a dedicated support for a legacy library in the
form of a new module would not be ideal IMHO

Cheers, Sergey
On 15/11/17 23:53, Andriy Redko wrote:

Hey Sergey,

That would be ideal I think (move RxJava into separate module). RxJava2
RxJava are quite different frameworks, some people just stuck with RxJava
we could support them there. Thanks.

Best Regards,
      Andriy Redko

JDA> What about just leaving the old RxJava code in a module by itself
(when I
JDA> was looking recently, it didn't make much sense to see both RxJava
JDA> RxJava2 in one module).

JDA> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 10:56 AM Sergey Beryozkin <>
JDA> wrote:


cxf-rt-rs-extension-rx ships the code for both (old) RxJava and RxJava2
code. It supports returning RxJava2 Flowable and Observable on the
server and accepting it on the client, and the same for the (old) RxJava

While even the (old) RxJava code is very new for CXF, the reality is
that RxJava has been around for a while now and with RxJava2 embracing
org.reactivestreams, it's hard to see CXF users preferring to start with
the (old) RxJava.

The other minor problem is that cxf-rt-rs-extension-rx has optional
RxJava and RxJava2 deps to be able to ship the relevant code in the same
module and splitting it into 2 modules will be too much at this point.

I suggest that unless some users confirm (I CC to the users) that they
need to use the (old) RxJava code, then we just remove it and make
things much simpler...

Thanks, Sergey

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