On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 1:12 PM Mike Beckerle <mbecke...@tresys.com> wrote:

> John,
> This issue is one of the last remaining things we need to resolve.
> >
> > 4) Snippets from the OGF DFDL spec. These snippets are scattered
> > throughout multiple files, but are all located in an "ibm-tests" and
> > "ibm-contributed" directories. A grep for "Open Grid Forum" will show
> > find the copyright that is included in all these files. The directories
> > containing the files are in:
> >
> >   daffodil-test/src/test/resources/org/apache/daffodil/ibm-tests/
> >   daffodil-test-ibm1/src/test/resources/test-suite/ibm-contributed/
> >
> Same, please list these.  Also note that partial files get a bit muddier,
> if there's a way you can keep the files separate that would be make it
> easier (hence why I've asked about modifying the source).
> We can list these files, but decomposing them would lose the whole point
> of them, which is that Daffodil can run them, as is, as they were created
> by IBM, without changes being required. This is an important part of our
> interoperability claims with IBM's DFDL implementation. It's also not
> possible to split up a DFDL schema into multiple files without introducing
> the DFDL language issues associated with multi-file schema composition -
> e.g., namespaces, introduction of new lexical scopes around the contents of
> additional files, etc. Those are important things to test, but are not what
> these particular tests are about, so introducing them would reduce the
> isolation of the tested behaviors.
> To me this use of example snippets drawn from the OGF spec document is
> legitimate fair use, and is exactly what was intended by myself and the
> other authors when these examples were included in the DFDL specification.
> So how do we satisfy concerns around this matter? Can we simply identify
> exactly the files that contain this sort of material, and explain that
> these files are maintained as-is, in the form originally contributed, so as
> to serve to demonstrate interoperability with other implementations of the
> DFDL standard?
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking for.  My ask is that we list
out the license for the files coming from outside sources.

I have an additional ask if we have modified the source code.

Please note that if this is something derived from a specification, then
you're not actually bringing in source code.  We care about source code.

> -Mike Beckerle

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