Correction, the below paths are missing the "site" directory. The
correct commands are:

  cd incubator-daffodil/
  sbt daffodil-japi/genjavadoc:doc
  sbt daffodil-sapi/doc
  mkdir -p ../incubator-daffodil-site/site/docs/2.2.0/{javadoc,scaladoc}/
  cp -R daffodil-japi/target/scala-2.12/genjavadoc-api/*
  cp -R daffodil-sapi/target/scala-2.12/api/*

- Steve

On 08/17/2018 01:29 PM, Steve Lawrence wrote:
> The steps to get the doc on the website:
>   cd incubator-daffodil/
>   sbt daffodil-japi/genjavadoc:doc
>   sbt daffodil-sapi/doc
>   mkdir -p ../incubator-daffodil-site/docs/2.2.0/{javadoc,scaladoc}/
>   cp -R daffodil-japi/target/scala-2.12/genjavadoc-api/*
> ../incubator-daffodil-site/docs/2.2.0/javadoc/
>   cp -R daffodil-sapi/target/scala-2.12/api/*
> ../incubator-daffodil-site/docs/2.2.0/scaladoc/
> I'll add the above steps as future changes to make to the release script.
> Note that nothing contains the "rc1" suffix so we don't need to change
> anything except the "latest" symlink once released.
> TDML xslt + css sounds like a good idea to put on the website. Only
> potential concern is that if people start relying on it we need to be
> very careful if we make changes so as not to break anything.
> On 08/17/2018 12:44 PM, Mike Beckerle wrote:
>> I know the javadoc and scaladoc go into the daffodil-site tree somehow. How 
>> is this accomplished?
>> We will want to do this for 2.2.0-rc1, and update the content and the 
>> 'latest' link once it is fully released.
>> I was also thinking of putting the tdml xslt and css stylesheets into a 
>> subdir on the daffodil-site so that tdml files can reference those 
>> stylesheets from that location.
>> To me, this is a selling point for users to use TDML files for 
>> bugs/tests/etc even if they have no intention of creating tutorials for 
>> anyone else. Their own local tdml files will be viewable using these 
>> stylesheets and a web browser if the stylesheets are served from somewhere 
>> on the web.

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