I'd like to have the below done for 2.6.0

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DAFFODIL-2305 - Remove some unused methods from Term.scala

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DAFFODIL-2275 - Reduce code smells and make some configuration changes to Sonarqube

I don't mind managing the release, although I think Josh A had expressed interest last time.

On 3/25/20 3:24 PM, Beckerle, Mike wrote:
I have two issues I'd like fixed for 2.6.0

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DAFFODIL-2302 - this is making it 
difficult to update a Link16 schema that is in use by multiple parties.

There's a second issue, which is that we still have this "NadaParsers are supposed 
to optimize out" problem. Came up in this same schema again even after the fix which 
supposedly addressed it. So I think the fix solved some, but not all of this problem.  I 
will try to recreate this and reopen the ticket if it is still happening.

I don't want to manage the release, but I definitely think it's better if it 
isn't Steve L., ... I could have my arm twisted.
From: Steve Lawrence <slawre...@apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:12 PM
To: dev@daffodil.apache.org <dev@daffodil.apache.org>
Subject: [DISCUSS] Daffodil 2.6.0 Release

With the last of the changes recently merged to support improved schema
compilation speed and memory, I think now is a good time to start
discussing the next release.

1) Does anyone have any changes that are close to being ready to merge
or bugs that are worth delaying the next release until resolved?

2) Does anyone want to volunteer to be the release manager for 2.6.0?
The release process [1] now uses containers for most of the heavy
lifting, and since I did it last time it would be good to get someone
else familiar with the new release process and make sure the container
works for someone other than myself.

- Steve

Best Regards
Lola K.

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