Hi John,

I believe that it's better to wait for the first contribution docs to arrive so we can rebase my branch to canonical master.

The idea is to avoid a folder that doesn't make sense (at least for now) ;)

Em 8/31/14, 17:19, John D. Ament escreveu:

So at this point, do you want to commit the new folder or do you want me to
take what I had done?  This currently makes it look like we don't even have
to ask infra to change our build script.  Nice.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Rafael Benevides <benevi...@redhat.com>

I believe that the work for the asciidoc documentation is ready!

Please, check this generated asciidcotor page:

The branch with the source code is here: https://github.com/rafabene/

Em 8/27/14, 18:14, Rafael Benevides escreveu:

  Yeap. I have to agree with you.
So I've changed my strategy...

I've taken your PoC and made some minor modifications and place it on my
branch: https://github.com/rafabene/deltaspike/tree/documentation/

Note that I'm using the agreed path for documentation folder and that I
also included a Readme.md that instructs how to setup the credentials on
~/.m2/settings.xml and what maven command that should be used to deploy.

The result was published here: http://deltaspike.apache.org/

What is missing now is the generated html template/styles.

Em 8/27/14, 17:23, John D. Ament escreveu:

IMHO, the current approach is a bit safer and more testable.  running
mvn site will generate the asciidoc.  That would be a bit harder to do if
we need to support running it as a part of a staging pull.

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Rafael Benevides <benevi...@redhat.com
<mailto:benevi...@redhat.com>> wrote:

     I was trying to avoid two steps to deploy:

     1 - mvn site-deploy on git repo to copy it to the CMS staging are
     2 - CMS deploy to publish it

     But I think that should not be a problem, Right?

     So what I'll do now, based on your PoC is to make the templates of
     the generated html to be close to deltaspike site style.

     Em 8/27/14, 17:10, John D. Ament escreveu:


     This shouldn't be needed any longer.  Based on what I did, we can
     now do a mvn site-deploy to copy everything into the CMS staging
     area.  Once verified go into CMS and do a publish.


     On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Rafael Benevides
     <benevi...@redhat.com <mailto:benevi...@redhat.com>> wrote:

         Hi all,

         This email is just to give a feedback about making CMS to
         work with Github and Asciidoc.

         Finally  I was able to understand enough how CMS works and
         probably I'm stopped where John Ament was.

         What I'm doing now is writing a GitUtil Perl Module that will
         be hosted at
         that will be responsible for cloning the documentation (on
         deltaspike git repo) and then another module will run the
         build (asciidoc to html) just for [<git_root>/documentation/].

         The idea is that the final documentation gets hosted at
         <http://deltaspike.apache.org/documentation/> (note the sub

         Further steps: Prepare a template so asciidoc generated html
         uses the same style of deltaspike.apache.org

         Well, the idea here is to make everyone aware about this and
         also say that if is there anybody if Perl knowledge, you're
         welcome to give some hints!


         *Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer*
         JBoss Developer
         M: +55-61-9269-6576 <tel:%2B55-61-9269-6576>

         Red Hat

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