On Mar 17, 2009, at 4:07 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:

- Documentation : This is also an something we must deliver. Documentation is not only good for our users, it's also good for us, as developpers, because writtng documentation helps to see where the API is not consistent.

Main problem is the configuration, which has changed with each minor version. In order to make any progress here, we need to finalize the configuration for the 2.0 first. There must be a decision at some point about the technologies used etc. (XML, xbeans, stored in DIT, ...). We had discussions about this topic every month.

Ok. Today, I spent something like 5 hours trying to get some new classes injected into LdapService, and make them work nicely with xbeans. So far, it's a plain failure.

And your requests for help and complaints about specific problems are where?

It was a long time ago but 5 hours was the same order of magnitude to the time it took me to convert everything to using xbean-spring (and this was my first use of it). So I wonder if your problems are due to some small factor that I considered too obvious at the time to document. From the point of view of just having written something I often think its really obvious how it works, and then a week later spend a lot of time puzzling out what I did :-)

I will be very clear : if we are to continue with xbeans+spring, I will -1 the release. This is absolutely not mature, cryptic, unusable, undocumented. In other words, it recalls me Maven 1.

Unless xbeans reach another level of stability, I want it out of the configuration. I'm fed of this piece of garbage.

Not sure what you mean by stability. Xbean-spring hasn't been updated in a long time, what it does it seems to do just fine. Undocumented I can't argue with, but activemq seems to be pretty happy with its current implementation.

I'll happily agree xbean-spring is pretty terrible, but its better than anything else I've seen anyone use. One thing I would eventually like to investigate that I think could be a big improvement is a domain specific assembly language written in scala. However IIUC a configuration/program in this DSL would need to be compiled. Some people like groovy builders but AFAICT they have no syntax checking until you try to run them.

I think this is something we have to discuss at ApacheCon, but the decision should be done on the ML.

david jencks

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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