David Boreham wrote:
Graham Leggett wrote:
That said, both Fedora and OpenLDAP use the DIT for config, so that may be an XML free option :)
FDS doesn't exactly use the DIT. We had the same argument that you're having, in 1997 or so, and decided to write an 'ldif back end' for the server, specifically for config (there had been an earlier flat-file back end that provided some inspiration and possibly some code). This replaced the original UMich text config file (which I believe OpenLDAP still used until recently). So while the config manifests as LDAP entries, and can be read/written over-the-wire, it is stored in a text file as LDIF.
If it were in the primary database, you'd have a chicken/egg problem.
OpenLDAP does the same thing. The idea is to have a LDIF based backend. This is also something we are considering.

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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