You are very welcome !

Precise questions deserve precise answers :-)

Le 06/08/2017 à 05:38, Dineth Chalitha Basnayaka a écrit :
> Hi !
> Thank you for taking the time to help me, I really do appreciate it. This
> explanation is really helping me improve.
> Thanks a lot!
> [image: dinethr.PNG]
> Dineth Chalitha Basnayake.
> Undergraduate in Computer Science & Technology,
> Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
> [image: facebook.png] <>[image:
> Linked in alt.png]
> <>[image:
> github.png] <>
> On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 7:34 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny <>
> wrote:
>> Now, that's better :-)
>> Although &.5 and 2.0.0-M24 are very different, the interceptor
>> architecture hasn't change so much (hopefully). Ok, the doc is totally
>> otdated, and we don't use the server.xml fila anymore.
>> Interceptors are all extending the BaseIntercapor abstract class which
>> itself implements the Interceptor interface. There is not that much you
>> need to implement in your ow interceptor :
>> - the init() method if you need to initialize some things when the
>> interceptor is added to the system (it's called once at startup)
>> - the destroy() method that is called when teh server is shutdown, would
>> you need to cleanup things (AFAICT, no interceptor implements this method)
>> - and a method for each LDAP operation : add, bind, compare, delete,
>> getRootDse (SEARCH), hasEntry (SEARCH), lookup (SEARCH), modify, move
>> (MODRDN), moveAndRename(MODRDN), rename (MODRDN),search and unbind. As
>> you can see, some of those methods are a specific version of a base
>> method - like lookup/hasEntry/getRootDSE which could be done using teh
>> search method-, for convenience.
>> Eachof the Operation methods use a special Context parameter, which
>> itself gives you access to various elements :
>> - the specific operations parameters (like the base DN or the filter for
>> the search operation (check each of the Context classes and interfaces)
>> - the Session (and here, the CoreSession).
>> When an LdapMessage is received, the protocol handlers passes it to the
>> CoreSession instance, which creates an operation context from it,
>> extracting all the required pieces that are going to be processed by
>> interceptors. At this point, the initial LdapMessage is not anymorz
>> available from inside interceptors, bt can be rebuilt from the content
>> of the operation context - including the controls -.
>> The Session is also where you'll find information about each current
>> operation, and the executing LDAP session. Typically, it gives you
>> access to the caller's ID - the principal -, it's IP address,
>> Now, once you have implemented your interceptor, there are two things
>> that need to be done in the configuration :
>> - each interceptor is declared in the configuration file
>> - each one has an order in the chain
>> - each one is either enabled or disabled
>> - each interceptor is associated with a class implementing it
>> The order is critical, and you must add yours at the right place,
>> dependning on what you want to do. Usuammy, you want to add your
>> inteceptor at the very end of the chain, so with the highest order. The
>> order is stored in the ads-interceptororder attribute (see later for an
>> example). The class implementing the interceptor is stored using its
>> FQDN in the ads-interceptorclassname attribute.
>> The interceptor will be called only if it's enabled, something that has
>> to be set using the ads-enabled attribute.
>> Here are two examples for two different interceptors :
>> - The Normalization interceptor :
>> dn:
>> ads-interceptorId=normalizationInterceptor,ou=interceptors,ads-
>> directoryServiceId=default,ou=config
>> objectclass: top
>> objectclass: ads-base
>> objectclass: ads-interceptor
>> ads-interceptororder: 1
>> ads-interceptorclassname:
>> ads-interceptorid: normalizationInterceptor
>> ads-enabled: TRUE
>> Its order is 1, it's the very first interceptor being called. The FCQN
>> (
>> for this interceptor is stored in the ads-interceptorclassname
>> attribute, and this interceptor is enabled.
>> - The KeyDerivation interceptor :
>> dn:
>> ads-interceptorId=keyDerivationInterceptor,ou=interceptors,ads-
>> directoryServiceId=default,ou=config
>> objectclass: top
>> objectclass: ads-base
>> objectclass: ads-interceptor
>> ads-enabled: FALSE
>> ads-interceptororder: 8
>> ads-interceptorclassname:
>> ads-interceptorid: keyDerivationInterceptor
>> This interceptor is used when Kerberos is enabled, to compute the
>> derived kerberos keys when a user changes its password.
>> It's position is 8, becuase it has to be executed before the
>> passwordHashing Interceptor, but here, as yu can see, it's disabled : it
>> won't be executed at all.
>> It's enough to set your configuration file with your interceptor for
>> this interceptor to be automaticaly called at the right place in teh
>> chain of interceptors : the server uses reflection at startup to know
>> where to set it - if it's enabled -  and for which operation it will be
>> called (if you don't have a delete() method in your interceptor, for
>> instance it will never be called when a user sends a Delete operation to
>> the server). The configuratio is processed at startup, btw, so you'll
>> need to restart the server if you change the configuration.
>> I hope it helps.
>> Le 05/08/2017 à 20:19, Dineth Chalitha Basnayaka a écrit :
>>> Hi !
>>> I am very new to apacheDS so forgive me if I am interrupting you. I tried
>>> with tutorial "Implementing a simple custom Interceptor for ApacheDS" (
>> implementing-interceptor.html)
>>> . It was nice explanation and it work for me. But it related
>> apcheds-1.5.5.
>>> When its come to apacheds2.0.0-M24 I saw
>>> and
>> more
>>> default interceptors are already implement there.
>>> So now I'am trying to implementing my own interceptor. In order to get
>> the
>>> interceptor installed in a default installation of ApacheDS2.0.0-M24
>> little
>>> bit confused me. Because there have some different with
>> ApacheDS2.0.0-M24
>>> and apcheds-1.5.5 installation layouts.In ApacheDs2.0.0-M24 installation
>>> layout not showing the server.xml file. If you can give some information
>> to
>>> install new Custom interceptors to apacheDS.2.0.0-M24 Its really helpful
>>> for me.
>>> Thanks for your consideration.
>>> [image: dinethr.PNG]
>>> Dineth Chalitha Basnayake.
>>> Undergraduate in Computer Science & Technology,
>>> Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
>>> [image: facebook.png] <>[image:
>>> Linked in alt.png]
>>> <>[image:
>>> github.png] <>
>>> On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Le 04/08/2017 à 05:32, Dineth Chalitha Basnayaka a écrit :
>>>>> Can you give what are the possible places in ldap server I can access
>>>> that
>>>>> message.
>>>> In other word, ApacheDS is a 200 000 lines of code project. Im not going
>>>> to go throught it to show you how to get the information you need, it
>>>> would simply take me days. Either you tell me where in the code you want
>>>> to access LDAPMessage, or you are totally on your own.
>>>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Emmanuel Lecharny

Emmanuel Lecharny

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