Hi all,

Laura and I chatted on Slack about the friction log and we decided that the
template from Tensorflow is about right.

I tried to create a fresh document for ASF that captures the same idea.
Here is the first draft: https://s.apache.org/friction-log. That link gives
comment access, but I am happy to give edit access, just request it.

We had some other ideas about how to make this useful:

   - mentor should write friction log on behalf of the intern (intern could
   also write their own)

As I was making the document I had some new questions:

   - should mentors also write friction logs for themselves? (I think yes)
   - do we expect many logs per internship, for different tasks?
   - would a longer term "journal" be a good idea, like a friction log of
   the entire internship? (might be easier for an intern to keep up with this
   habit, not having to create a bunch of separate docs)
   - should we (diversity@apache) take an active monitoring role so we see
   some of what happens on Jira, code review, and mailing lists? (is this just
   way too much?)


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