On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 6:52 PM Niclas Hedhman <nic...@hedhman.org> wrote:
> For us who is struggling to keep up with acronyms; What does EDI[1] stand
> for?

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.  For example, see:

> // Niclas
> [1] The first few pages of a Google search is about Electronic Data
> Interchange, which doesn't fit this scope.

Hint: add the word "diversity" to the search to see results more
closely aligned with this scope.

- Sam Ruby

> On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 1:29 AM Griselda Cuevas <g...@apache.org> wrote:
> > (cc'ing Sally Khudairi and dev@diversity.apache.org for visibility)
> >
> > Hi Myrle, Sharan and Daniel,
> >
> > I'm getting you in touch because you all will be attending FOSDEM and it'd
> > be a great opportunity for us to have EDI presence at the ASF booth.
> >
> > Sharan, Myrle - Daniel and I discussed that it'd be great to have some sort
> > of Office Hour for the 2020 ASF Community Survey, where people can stop by
> > and:
> > - Ask questions about the survey
> > - Fill the survey if they haven't done so, and
> > - Sign up to be interviewed in the User Experience Research for
> > contributors
> >
> > All that's needed is to coordinate a date and time for Daniel to be at the
> > booth, have a laptop with access to the internet so we can open the survey
> > in case someone wants to complete it and have a system to sign up people
> > interested in participating in the UX Research for contributors.
> >
> > Daniel - I'll let you coordinate with Myrle and Sharan the best time and
> > date to do this. Note that this is a public thread, so you might want to
> > refine details privately if you wish so.
> >
> > Once you three have decided on the details and format, let me know so I can
> > send a note to the diversity list and the ComDev list, we should also keep
> > Sally informed of this, so she can promote through the initiatives she
> > might already be planning for FOSDEM.
> >
> > Thanks all,
> > G
> >
> --
> Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
> http://polygene.apache.org - New Energy for Java

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