Hello All ,

I am currently trying to implement QOS scheduler using DPDK 1.6 . I have
configured 1 subport , 4096 pipes for the sub port and 4 TC's and 4 Queues .

Currently i am trying to send packets destined to single Queue of the
available 16 queues of one of the pipe .

Could some body explain what could be the throughput we can achieve using
this scheme.  The reason for asking this is , i could sense different
behavior each time when i send traffic destined to different destination
Queues  .

for example :

1. << Only one stream>>> Stream destined Q0 of TC0 ..

2. << 4 streams >>>> 1st Stream destined for Q3 of Tc3 ...
                                 2nd stream destined for Q2 of Tc2
                                 3rd stream destined for Q1 of TC1
                                 4th Stream destined for Q0 of TC0

Is there any difference between scheduler behavior  for above two scenarios
 while enqueing and de-queueing ??

Queue size is 64 , and number of packets enqueud and dequeued is 64 as well.
And what is the improvements i would gain if i move to DPDK 1.7 w.r.t QOS ?

Could you please clarify my queries ?

Thanks & Regards,

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