> On Feb 5, 2019, at 3:49 PM, Iain Barker <iain.bar...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Maybe I do not see the full problem here. If DPDK used poll instead of 
>> select it would solve the 1024 problem as poll has a high limit to the 
>> number of file descriptors at least that was my assumption. 
> Thanks Keith. 
> The issue is not whether DPDK is using poll or select on the fd’s.
> The issue is that DPDK is raising the per-process number of fd’s above the 
> maximum that glibc supports for select(). 
> Therefore no other code within that process can reliably use select() on an 
> fd set, because any file that is opened may get an fd number > 1024.

I see now. Then it means the application must also use poll or we have to 
release these fd’s after used to free up some fd’s below 1024 (which I assume 
is not possible) or something else needs to happen. These are questions for 
Anatoly I guess.

Can you use 1G hugepages instead of 2M pages or a combo of the two, not sure 
how dpdk handles having both in the system?


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