Maven central is made up of a number of "Trusted" Maven repositories. This includes the ASF and OSSRH Maven repositories. Many other organizations run "mirrors" of central.

The ASF Maven repo is published to by ASF projects who have gone through the ASF release process. OSSRH allows any release which meets the criteria described here[1]. As an individual, you are within your rights to publish your fork of Calcite to OSSRH as long as there are no legal or trademark concerns. It would be imperative to not cause confusion with official Apache Calcite releases -- clear branding and separate Maven groupId/artifactId "coordinates" should be sufficient.

However, since you are (presumably) acting as a member of Apache Drill, it would be very odd (and potentially against ASF policy) to make a release of software that *isn't* using the ASF Maven resources. This gives me some pause -- do you have an ASF member on your PMC you can run this by?

Finally, as a Calcite PMC member, I feel obligated to ask why Drill needs to maintain this fork, and see if there is something that can be done from the Calcite side to get you "back on upstream"? Why the need to make long-term plans to isolate Apache Drill from Apache Calcite?


On 9/12/18 11:33 AM, Vova Vysotskyi wrote:
Hi all,

As you know, Drill uses its fork of Apache Calcite.
In DRILL-6711 <> was
proposed to deploy Drill Calcite project artifacts
to Apache Maven repository or at least to the central maven repository.
I have looked for the similar cases of fork versions and didn't find
anything similar in the central repo.

Also, I have looked at the Sonatype OSSRH Jiras for similar cases
of deploying fork versions, but that projects used custom groupIds.

Could someone please give me the advice what is the acceptable way
of publishing the custom Drill Calcite artifacts to the central repo and
is it possible to publish them without changing groupId?

Kind regards,
Volodymyr Vysotskyi

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