vvysotskyi commented on a change in pull request #1914: DRILL-7458: Base 
framework for storage plugins
URL: https://github.com/apache/drill/pull/1914#discussion_r369492043

 File path: 
 @@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.drill.exec.store.base;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.drill.common.expression.SchemaPath;
+import org.apache.drill.common.logical.StoragePluginConfig;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.AbstractGroupScan;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.GroupScan;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.PhysicalOperator;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.ScanStats;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base.SubScan;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.proto.CoordinationProtos.DrillbitEndpoint;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.server.options.OptionManager;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.SchemaConfig;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.SchemaFactory;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.StoragePluginRegistry;
+import org.apache.drill.exec.store.base.BaseStoragePlugin.StoragePluginOptions;
+import org.apache.drill.shaded.guava.com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
+ * Base group scan for storage plugins. A group scan is a "logical" scan: it is
+ * the representation of the scan used during the logical and physical planning
+ * phases. The group scan is converted to a "sub scan" (an executable scan
+ * specification) for inclusion in the physical plan sent to Drillbits for
+ * execution. The group scan represents the entire scan of a table or data
+ * source. The sub scan divides that scan into files, storage blocks or other
+ * forms of parallelism.
+ * <p>
+ * The group scan participates in both logical and physical planning. As
+ * noted below, logical plan information is JSON serialized, but physical
+ * plan information is not. The transition from logical
+ * to physical planning is not clear. The first call to
+ * {@link #getMinParallelizationWidth()} or
+ * {@link #getMaxParallelizationWidth()} is a good signal. The group scan
+ * is copied multiple times (each with more information) during logical
+ * planning, but is not copied during physical planning. This means that
+ * physical planning state can be thought of as transient: it should not
+ * be serialized or copied.
+ * <p>
+ * Because the group scan is part of the Calcite planning process, it is
+ * very helpful to understand the basics of query planning and how
+ * Calcite implements that process.
+ *
+ * <h4>Serialization</h4>
+ *
+ * Drill provides the ability to serialize the logical plan. This is most
+ * easily seen by issuing the <code>EXPLAIN PLAN FOR</code> command for a
+ * query. The Jackson-serialized representation of the group scan appears
+ * in the JSON partition of the <code>EXPLAIN</code> output, while the
+ * <code>toString()</code> output appears in the text output of that
+ * command.
+ * <p>
+ * Care must be taken when serializing: include only the <i>logical</i>
+ * plan information, omit the physical plan information.
+ * <p>
+ * Any fields that are part of the <i>logical</i> plan must be Jackson
+ * serializable. The following information should be serialized in the
+ * logical plan:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Information from the scan spec (from the table lookup in the
+ * schema) if relevant to the plugin.</li>
+ * <li>The list of columns projected in the scan.</li>
+ * <li>Any filters pushed into the query (in whatever form makes sense
+ * for the plugin.</li>
+ * <li>Any other plugin-specific logical plan information.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * This base class (and its superclasses) serialize the plugin config,
+ * user name, column list and scan stats. The derived class should handle
+ * other fields.
+ * <p>
+ * On the other hand, the kinds of information should <i>not</i> be
+ * serialized:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>The set of drillbits on which queries will run.</li>
+ * <li>The actual number of minor fragments that run scans.</li>
+ * <li>Other physical plan information.</li>
+ * <li>Cached data (such as the cached scan stats, etc.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * Jackson will use the constructor marked with <tt>@JsonCreator</tt> to
+ * deserialize your group scan. If you create a subclass, and add fields, start
+ * with the constructor from this class, then add your custom fields after the
+ * fields defined here. Make liberal use of <code>@JsonProperty</code> to
+ * identify fields (getters) to be serialized, and <code>@JsonIgnore</code>
+ * for those that should not be serialized.
+ *
+ * <h4>Life Cycle</h4>
+ *
+ * Drill uses Calcite for planning. Calcite is a bit complex: it applies a 
+ * of rules to transform the query, then chooses the lowest cost among the
+ * available transforms. As a result, the group scan object is continually
+ * created and recreated. The following is a rough outline of these events.
+ *
+ * <h5>Create the Group Scan</h5>
+ *
+ * The storage plugin provides a {@link SchemaFactory} which provides a
+ * {@link SchemaConfig} which represents the set of (logical) tables available
+ * from the plugin.
+ * <p>
+ * Calcite offers table names to the schema. If the table is valid, the schema
+ * creates a {@link BaseScanSpec} to describe the schema, table and other
+ * information unique to the plugin. The schema then creates a group scan using
+ * the following constructor:
+ * {@link #BaseGroupScan(BaseStoragePlugin, String, BaseScanSpec)}.
+ *
+ * <h5>Column Resolution</h5>
+ *
+ * Calcite makes multiple attempts to refine the set of columns from the scan.
+ * If we have the following query:<br>
+ * <code><pre>
+ * SELECT a AS x, b FROM myTable</pre></code><br>
+ * Then Calcite will offer the following set of columns as planning proceeds:
+ *
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>['**'] (The default starter set.)</li>
+ * <li>['**', 'a', 'b', 'x'] (alias not yet resolved.)</li>
+ * <li>['a', 'b'] (aliases resolved)</li>
+ * </ol>
+ *
+ * Each time the column set changes, Calcite makes a copy of the group scan by
+ * calling {@link AbstractGroupScan#clone(List<SchemaPath>)}. This class
+ * automates the process by calling two constructors. First, it calls
+ * {@link BaseScanSpec#BaseScanSpec(BaseScanSpec, List<SchemaPath>)} to create 
+ * new scan spec with the columns included.
+ * <p>
+ * The easiest solution is simply to provide the needed constructors. For
+ * special cases, you can override the <tt>clone()</tt> method itself.
+ * <p>
+ * Since Calcite is cost-based, it is important that the cost of the scan
+ * decrease after columns are pushed down. This can be done by reducing
+ * the disk I/O cost or reducing the CPU factor from 1.0 to, say, 0.75.
+ * See {@link DummyGroupScan} for an example.
+ *
+ * <h5>Intermediate Copies</h5>
+ *
+ * At multiple points during logical planning, Calcite will create
+ * a simple copy of the node by invoking
+ * {@link GroupScan#getNewWithChildren(List<PhysicalOperator>)}. Scans never
+ * have children, so this method should just make a copy. This base class
+ * delegates to {@link BaseStoragePlugin.ScanFactory} to make the copy.
+ * <p>
+ * Calcite uses the schema to look up a table and obtain a scan spec.
+ * The scan spec is then serialized to JSON and passed back to the plugin
+ * to be deserialized and to create a group scan for the scan spec. The
+ * {#link BaseStoragePlugin} and {@link BaseStoragePlugin.ScanFactory}
+ * classes hide the details.
+ *
+ * <h4>Filter Push-Down</h5>
+ *
+ * If a plugin allows filter push-down, the plugin must add logical planning
+ * rules to implement the push down. The rules rewrite the group scan with
+ * the push-downs included (and optionally remove the filters from the
+ * query.) See {@link BaseFilterPushDownStragy} for details.
+ *
+ * <h5>Node Assignment</h5>
+ *
+ * Drill calls {@link #getMaxParallelizationWidth()} to determine how much it
+ * can parallelize the scan. If this method returns 1, Drill assumes that this
+ * is a single-threaded scan. If the return is 2 or greater, Drill will create
+ * a parallelized scan. This base class assumes a single-threaded scan.
+ * Override {@link #getMinParallelizationWidth()} and
+ * {@link #getMaxParallelizationWidth()} to enable parallelism.
+ * <p>
+ * Drill then calls {@link #applyAssignments(List)} to
+ * declare the actual number of minor fragments (offered as Drillbit 
+ * Since most non-file scans don't care about node affinity, they can simply 
+ * the {@link #endpointCount} variable to determine the number of minor
+ * fragments which Drill will create.
+ * <p>
+ * Drill then calls {@link #getSpecificScan(int)}. The number of minor 
+ * is the same as the number of endpoints offered above, which is determined by
+ * the min/max parallelization width and Drill configuration.
+ * <p>
+ * Your group scan may create a set of scan "segments". For example, to read
+ * a distributed database, there might be one segment per database server node.
+ * The physical planning process maps the segments into minor fragments.
+ * Ideally there will be one segment per minor fragment, but there may be
+ * multiple if Drill can offer fewer endpoints than requested. Thus, each
+ * specific scan might host multiple segments. Each plugin determines what
+ * that means for the target engine. At runtime, each segment translates to
+ * a distinct batch reader.
+ *
+ * <h4>The Storage Plugin</h4>
+ *
+ * Group scans are ephemeral and serialized. They should hold only data that
+ * describes the scan. Group scans <i>should not</i> hold metadata about the
+ * underlying system because of the complexity of recreating that data on each
+ * of the many copies that occur.
+ * <p>
+ * Instead, the implementation should cache metadata in the storage plugin. 
+ * storage plugin instance exists for the duration of a single query: either at
+ * plan time or (if requested) at runtime (one instance per minor fragment.) A
+ * good practice is:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>The group scan asks the storage plugin for metadata as needed to process
+ * each group scan operation.</li>
+ * <li>The storage plugin retrieves the metadata from the external system and
+ * caches it; returning the cached copies on subsequent requests.</li>
+ * <li>The sub scan (execution description) should avoid asking for metadata to
+ * avoid caching metadata in each of the many execution minor fragments.</li>
+ * <li>Cached information is lost once planning completes for a query. If
+ * additional caching is needed, the storage plugin can implement a shared 
+ * (with proper concurrency controls) which is shared across multiple plugin
+ * instances. (Note, however, than planning is also distributed; each query may
+ * be planned on a different Drillbit (Foreman), so even a shared cache will
+ * hold as many copies as there are Drillbits (one copy per Drillbit.)</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * <p>
+ * The storage plugin is the only part of the data for a query that persists
+ * across the entire planning session. Group scans are created and deleted.
+ * Although some of these are done via copies (and so could preserve data), the
+ * <tt>getPhysicalScan()</tt> step is not a copy and discards all data except
+ * that in the scan spec. Note, however, that if a query contains a join or
+ * a union, then the query will contain multiple group scans (one per table)
+ * but a single storage plugin instance.
+ *
+ * <h4>The Scan Specification</h4>
+ *
+ * Drill has the idea of a scan specification, as mentioned above. The scan
+ * spec transfers information from the schema table lookup to the group scan.
+ * Each plugin defines its own scan spec; there is no base class. At the
+ * least, include the table definition (whatever that means for the plugin.)
+ * The scan spec must be Jackson serializable.
+ * <p>
+ * Some plugins use the scan spec directly in the group scan (store it as
+ * a field), others do not. Choose the simplest design for your needs.
+ * <p>
+ * Your subclass should include other query-specific data needed at both plan
+ * and run time such as file locations, partition information, filter 
+ * and so on.
+ *
+ * <h4>Costs</h4>
+ *
+ * Calcite is a cost-based optimizer. This means it uses the cost associated
+ * with a group scan instance to pick which of several options to use.
+ * <p>
+ * You must provide a scan cost estimate in terms of rows, data and CPU. For
+ * some systems (such as Hive), these numbers are available. For others (such 
+ * local files), the data size may be available, from which we can estimate a
+ * row count by assuming some reasonable average row width. In other cases 
+ * as REST), we may not have any good estimate at all.
+ * <p>
+ * In these cases, it helps to know how Drill uses the cost estimates. The scan
+ * must occur, so there is no decision about whether to use the scan or not. 
+ * Drill has to decide which scan to put on which side of a join (the so-called
+ * "build" and "probe" sides.) Further, Drill needs to know if the table is
+ * small enough to "broadcast" the contents to all nodes.
+ * <p>
+ * So, at the least, the estimate must identify "small" vs. "large" tables. If
+ * the scan is known to be small enough to broadcast (because it is for, say, a
+ * small lookup list), then provide a small row and data estimate, say 100 rows
+ * and 1K.
+ * <p>
+ * If, however, the data size is potentially large, then provide a large
+ * estimate (10K rows, 100M data, say) to force Drill to not consider 
+ * and to avoid putting the table on the build side of a join unless some other
+ * table is even larger.
+ * <p>
+ * Logical planning will include projection (column) push-down and optionally
+ * filter push-down. Each of these <i>must</i> reduce scan cost so that
+ * Calcite decides that doing them improves query performance.
+ *
+ * <h4>Projection Push-Down</h4>
+ *
+ * This base class assumes that the scan supports projection push-down. You
+ * get this "for free" if you use the EVF-based scan framework (that is,
+ * the result set loader and associated classes.) You are, however,
+ * responsible for updating costs based on projection push-down.
+ *
+ * <h4>EXPLAIN PLAN</tt>
+ *
+ * The group scan appears in the output of the <tt>EXPLAIN PLAN FOR</tt>
+ * command. Drill calls the {@ink #toString()} method to obtain the string. The
+ * format of the string should follow Drill's conventions. The easiest way to 
+ * that is to instead override {@link #buildPlanString(PlanStringBuilder)} and
+ * add your custom fields to those already included from this base class.
+ * <p>
+ * If your fields have structure, ensure that the <tt>toString()</tt> method of
+ * those classes also uses {@link PlanStringBuilder}, or create the encoding
+ * yourself in your own <tt>buildPlanString</tt> method. Test by calling the
+ * method or by examining the output of an <tt>EXPLAIN</tt>.
+ * <p>
+ * Include only the logical planning fields. That is, include only the
+ * fields that also appear in the JSON serialized form of the group scan.
+ */
+public abstract class BaseGroupScan extends AbstractGroupScan {
+  protected final BaseStoragePlugin<?> storagePlugin;
+  protected final List<SchemaPath> columns;
+  protected ScanStats scanStats;
+  protected int endpointCount;
+  protected OptionManager sessionOptions;
+  public BaseGroupScan(BaseStoragePlugin<?> storagePlugin,
+      String userName, List<SchemaPath> columns) {
+    super(userName);
+    this.storagePlugin = storagePlugin;
+    this.columns = columns;
+  }
+  public BaseGroupScan(BaseGroupScan from) {
+    this(from.storagePlugin, from.getUserName(), from.getColumns());
+    this.endpointCount = from.endpointCount;
+    this.sessionOptions = from.sessionOptions;
+  }
+  public BaseGroupScan(
+      StoragePluginConfig config,
+      String userName,
+      List<SchemaPath> columns,
+      StoragePluginRegistry engineRegistry) {
+    super(userName);
+    this.storagePlugin = BaseStoragePlugin.resolvePlugin(engineRegistry, 
+    this.columns = columns;
+  }
+  @JsonProperty("config")
+  public StoragePluginConfig getConfig() { return storagePlugin.getConfig(); }
+  @JsonProperty("columns")
+  @Override
+  public List<SchemaPath> getColumns() {
+    return columns;
+  }
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  public <T extends BaseStoragePlugin<?>> T storagePlugin() {
+    return (T) storagePlugin;
+  }
+  public StoragePluginOptions pluginOptions() {
+    return storagePlugin.options();
+  }
+  @Override
+  public boolean canPushdownProjects(List<SchemaPath> columns) {
+    // EVF (result set loader and so on) handles project push-down for us.
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * During parallelization, Drill calls this method with a list of endpoints
+   * which (it seems) correspond to minor fragments. Since non-file storage
+   * plugins generally don't care which node runs which slice of a scan, we
+   * retain only the endpoint count. Later, in {@link #getSpecificScan(int)},
+   * Drill will ask for subscans with minor fragment IDs from 0 to the number 
+   * endpoints specified here.
+   */
+  @Override
+  public void applyAssignments(List<DrillbitEndpoint> endpoints) {
+    endpointCount = endpoints.size();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Return the maximum parallelization width. This number is usually the 
+   * of distinct sub-scans this group scan can produce. The actual number of
+   * minor fragments may be less. (For example, if running in a test, the minor
+   * fragment count may be just 1.) In that case, the
+   * {{@link #getSpecificScan(int)} may need to combine logical sub-scans into 
+   * single physical sub scan. That is, a sub scan operator should hold a list
+   * of actual scans, and the scan operator should be ready to perform multiple
+   * actual scans per sub-scan operator.
+   * <p>
+   * For convenience, returns 1 by default, which is the minimum. Derived
+   * classes should return a different number if they support filter push-down
+   * and parallelization.
+   *
+   * @return the number of sub-scans that this group scan will produce
+   */
+  @JsonIgnore
+  @Override
+  public int getMaxParallelizationWidth() { return 1; }
+  @JsonIgnore
+  @Override
+  public ScanStats getScanStats() {
+    if (scanStats == null) {
+      scanStats = computeScanStats();
+    }
+    return scanStats;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Compute the statistics for the scan used to plan the query. In general, 
+   * most critical aspect is to give a rough estimate of row count: a small row
+   * count will encourage the planner to broadcast rows to all Drillbits,
+   * something that is undesirable if the row count is actually large.
+   * Otherwise, more accurate estimates are better.
+   */
+  protected abstract ScanStats computeScanStats();
+  /**
+   * Create a sub scan for the given minor fragment. Override this
+   * if you define a custom sub scan. Uses the default
+   * {@link BaseSubScan} by default.
+   * <p>
+   * The group can may have a single "slice". If so, then the
+   * {@link #getMaxParallelizationWidth()} should have returned 1,
+   * and this method will be called only once, with
+   * <code>minorFragmentId = 0</code>.
+   * <p>
+   * However, if the group can can partition work into sub-units
+   * (let's call them "slices"), then this method must pack
+   * <i><b>n</b></i> slices into <i><b>m</b></i> minor fragments
+   * where <i><b>n</b></i> >= <i><b>m</b></i>.
+   */
+  @Override
+  public abstract SubScan getSpecificScan(int minorFragmentId);
+  @JsonIgnore
+  @Override
+  public String getDigest() { return toString(); }
+  /**
+   * Create a copy of the group scan with with candidate projection
+   * columns. Calls
+   * {@link BaseScanFactory#groupWithColumns()}
 Review comment:
   Thanks for the explanation, in this case, please also remove brackets, since 
it causes error in JavaDoc: `{@link BaseScanFactory#groupWithColumns()}` -> 
`{@link BaseScanFactory#groupWithColumns}` here and in JavaDoc for method below.

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