So I have a Dockerfile which i think will work well. Before I commit and
create the PR can I ask for some direction?
Would we use this as

a: the Dockerfile is in the source tree, and does a 'COPY .' into the
container to build? This is what I did for It makes it very simple to build the
docker container as a developer, but also as part of the travis pipeline or
the dockerhub pipeline.... This would mean replacing the 'git
clone/checkout' in the below.
b: The Dockerfile is standalone, it does a clone of the repo (as below).
This is not as convenient for a dev (you need to have pushed) nor for the
other pipelines, but it does allow for a single point in time release.

For the 'config', what i have gone for is any druid_XXX env variable is
converted to config in _common/properties or service/properties.

I have created a 'batteries included' image with all the extensions in
place and the mysql connector. Its a bit big but all Java containers are
hefty. This has all services in it, but it runs whichever is on the command
line (e.g. docker run druid middleManager).

I've also forced the 'forked subprocesses' in middleManager to log to
stdout as is convention in containers. Its not convention to fork big
things like that, but that's another story.

Comments on a: vs b: ? Comments on other things to consider? I'll commit
and send a pull req for comment next week.

FROM maven:3-jdk-8 as builder

ARG DRUID_VERSION=0.13.0-incubating

RUN mkdir -p /src \
 && cd /src \
 && git clone \
 && cd incubator-druid \
 && git checkout tags/druid-${DRUID_VERSION} \
 && mvn install -ff -DskipTests -Dforbiddenapis.skip=true -Pdist
-Pbundle-contrib-exts \
 && tar -zxf ./distribution/target/apache-druid-${DRUID_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz
-C /opt \
 && ln -s /opt/apache-druid-$DRUID_VERSION /opt/druid

COPY sha256sums.txt /tmp
RUN cd /opt/druid/extensions/mysql-metadata-storage \
 && wget -O mysql-connector-java-5.1.38.jar
 && sha256sum --ignore-missing -c /tmp/sha256sums.txt

RUN addgroup --gid 1000 druid \
 && adduser --home /opt/druid --shell /bin/sh --no-create-home --uid 1000
--gecos '' --gid 1000 --disabled-password druid \
 && mkdir -p /opt/druid/var \
 && chown -R druid:druid /opt/druid

# Use :debug to get a busybox shell so that scripts can run
MAINTAINER Don Bowman <>

RUN ["/busybox/busybox", "--install", "/bin"]
COPY --from=builder /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
COPY --from=builder /etc/group /etc/group
COPY --from=builder --chown=druid /opt /opt
USER druid
VOLUME /opt/druid/var
WORKDIR /opt/druid


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