I am interested especially if the format is something live. An in-person
meetup with a recording distributed afterwards would be my preference, if
people are into that. Maybe something at one of the Druid meetups?

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 8:38 PM Eyal Yurman
<eyurma...@verizonmedia.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is something usually being done in companies, but I think it is useful
> for any community, especially our community which is so distributed.
> I think it would be absolutely wonderful if we can find people willing to
> share their knowledge with other contributors via the form of a tech-talk.
> I.e. it would be very useful if someone could take a subject (Just for
> example, groupBy query) and present the high-level
> architecture/implementation.
> I know this requires significant effort, but I hope to convince you of the
> benefits it would provide to the Druid project:
> - Helping any newcomer being more effective, thus providing better
> contribution ROI against work effort.
> - Serving as a high-quality medium of communication within the group of
> committers, which would lead to more trust and understanding.
> Recording and uploaded such sessions will make them Apache-Way compatible
> (Along with serving future viewers).
> So, anyone up to the challenge? :)
> Eyal.

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