Hi All,

The new design of Dubbo website has been discussed[1] for several days.

Today we've received a pull request for the new website implementation[2].

I have checked the implementation locally, it has everything we
discussed and it looks good to me.

Some details:

* I can run it simply by click the index.html file on the root directory.
* I can build from the given instructions
* Home/docs/blogs/community page works for me
* I can switch between Chinese and English
* Documentation currently only has user guide, dev guide and admin
guide are missing. But I think it can be added later.
* Easy for us to maintain, we only care about the markdown, and the
framework can compile to html for us.
* I have one concern about the SEO(search engine optimization) stuff,
since it is a single page web application, I am not sure whether the
blogs and documentation can be correctly indexed by the search engine.

How do you guys think?

[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-website/issues/12
[2] https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-website/pull/13

Best Regards!

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