+1,Totally agree, Dubbo should be modular, and some features could be re-used by other projects, like Spring Cloud LoadBalance.

Kind regards,

Mercy Ma

在 2018/8/16 下午4:00, Jerrick Zhu 写道:
Hi, community

As you can see, Dubbo now has an ecosystem: https://github.com/dubbo .There
has a lot of interesting projects there, such as:

* node, go, python and php implementations
* dubbo rpc, serialization and registry extensions
* dubbo samples and dubbo useful plugins and tools

Now Dubbo core which is http://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo , it's too
big. As a result, it takes nearly 30~40mins to finish travis CI.

And also, there are a lot of sub modules have never been modified almost,
such as:

* dubbo-registry-multicast
* dubbo-registry-redis

* dubbo-remoting-grizzly
* dubbo-remoting-p2p
* dubbo-remoting-zookeeper
* dubbo-remoting-mina

* dubbo-rpc-injvm
* dubbo-rpc-memcached
* dubbo-rpc-redis
* dubbo-rpc-thrift
* dubbo-rpc-webservice

* dubbo-serialization-fastjson
* dubbo-serialization-fst
* dubbo-serialization-jdk

So I suggest, move the above sub modules to ecosystem, each of them as a
single project, such as https://github.com/dubbo/dubbo-rpc-native-thrift

Also, dubbo-demo also needs to move to ecosystem.

What do u guys think?



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