
I've noticed that the response time is slow for Dubbo's core
repository, including reviewing pull request, issue triage and issue
cleanup, it seems that not everyone has enough time to deal with
things like this.

My idea is to identify the active contributors of the community, and
invite to become a committer, let more people come in and help. In
addition, we should also use robot to help us.

The problem is how to find such people, I think it can be collected by
the data, such as GitHub activities, how often do they participate in
the discussion, how often do they participate in the review code.

Furthermore, I think that people who often send pull requests, and
those who often participate in the community, may be two types of
people. The former requires large amount of  time, and the latter can
participate using their fragmented time.

For example, if I want to send a pr, I need to understand an issue,
fix, test, which takes a lot of time. However,  leaving a message on
the issue, labelling an issue, or closing the issue, these tasks can
be done small granularity.

Maybe we know a lot about the first type of people, but we need to
identify and discover the second type of people and let them come in
to help manage the community.


另外我觉得经常提pull request的人,和经常参与社区的人,可能是两类人,前者对时间的的颗粒度要求很高,后者对时间颗粒度的要求度低。



On Sat, Dec 29, 2018 at 5:13 PM Ian Luo <ian....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I'd like to apologize first since recently we are slow on issue and pull
> request. We are very busy on ramping up Dubbo 2.7.0 which is expected to be
> public available soon. I hope we could come back in one or two weeks so
> depending on how soon we could finish. The code review for dubbo 2.7.0
> release is happening now on Github pull request. Feel free to join us to
> raise issue or submit pull request against the recent code changes on the
> master branch.
> You are also very welcomed to interact on other issues and pull requests
> irrelevant to release 2.7.0. They are piling up and we can do nothing right
> now :)
> I really hope we can ramp up release 2.7.0 very soon, and your
> comments/efforts are appreciated. After that, I plan to continue the
> discussion on release 3.0.
> Cheers,
> -Ian.

Best Regards!

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