Many thanks, Dale.

Still trying to figure this out …


> On Sep 19, 2016, at 8:30 AM, Dale LaBossiere <> wrote:
> FYI I just created 
> <> to update IotProvider doc 
> related to registerJar().  You should consider adding commentary there as 
> part of your experiences — and/or consider tacking that jira and maybe even 
> enhancing the doc further in this space :-)
> — Dale
>> On Sep 19, 2016, at 11:07 AM, Dale LaBossiere <> wrote:
>> The TopologyBuilder.getBuilder() impl is bogus.  Looks like it’s copied from 
>> TestApplication().  All it does is return a builder (BiConsumer) that 
>> creates a topology consisting of a TStream<String> containing one tuple with 
>> the app’s name and prints that stream.
>> Your getBuilder() impl needs to return a BiConsumer that builds your app’s 
>> topology.  Looks like that’s what your accept() is trying to do.  Seems like 
>> you want something like (though I’d rename that accept() to something like 
>> “buildTopology()” for clarity).
>>      public BiConsumer<Topology, JsonObject> getBuilder() {
>>                      return (t,c) -> accept(t,c);
>>      }   
>> Fix that and then see what happens regarding handling of the submit request. 
>>  You might also consider adding a println to your getBuilder() and accept() 
>> to verify they’re getting called.
>> — Dale
>>> On Sep 16, 2016, at 5:44 PM, Susan Cline <> wrote:
>>> Thanks Dale.  It did not work however, the results are the same after 
>>> removing the 3 lines before provider.start().
>>> When I submit the SpeedJarApp I can see this in the pi terminal (this is 
>>> the full output from when I started the registerJarExample application to 
>>> when I submitted the command):
>>> pi@raspberrypi:~/devConf $ java -jar registerJarExample.jar 
>>> speed_sensor_config1.txt
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:08 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>> registerTopology
>>> INFO: Register application name: edgentIotDevicePubSub
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:08 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>> registerTopology
>>> INFO: Register application name: edgentIotCommandsToControl
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:08 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>> registerTopology
>>> INFO: Register application name: edgentJobMonitorApp
>>> false
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:09 PM pi.RegisterJarExample main
>>> INFO: Here is some info
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:09 PM createClient
>>> INFO: pool-1-thread-22-edgentIotDevicePubSub: Org ID    = ni6dcf
>>>       Client ID    = d:ni6dcf:SpeedSensor:Pi3_SpeedSensor_1
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:09 PM connect
>>> INFO: pool-1-thread-22-edgentIotDevicePubSub: Connecting client 
>>> d:ni6dcf:SpeedSensor:Pi3_SpeedSensor_1 to 
>>> ssl:// (attempt #1)...
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:10 PM connect
>>> INFO: pool-1-thread-22-edgentIotDevicePubSub: Successfully connected to the 
>>> IBM Watson IoT Platform
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:49 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>> registerJar
>>> INFO: Register jar: file:///home/pi/devConf/pi.sensors.jar
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:49 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>> registerJar
>>> INFO: about to call registerTopology
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:49 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>> registerTopology
>>> INFO: Register application name: SpeedJarApp
>>> SpeedJarApp
>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:40:11 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.etiao.Executable$1 accept
>>> INFO: No more active user tasks
>>> Thanks,
>>> Susan
>>>> On Sep 16, 2016, at 10:32 AM, Dale LaBossiere <> wrote:
>>>> I haven’t digested the complete email message yet, but try removing those 
>>>> three lines before provider.start() and try again.
>>>> IotProvider already create/registers those services (described in its 
>>>> javadoc).  I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if these extra additions might 
>>>> much things up.
>>>> — Dale
>>>>> On Sep 16, 2016, at 1:17 PM, Susan Cline <> wrote:
>>>>> I’ve gotten a step further, but I am still having problems.
>>>>> ...
>>>>> public class RegisterJarExample {
>>>>>           IotProvider provider = new IotProvider(topology -> new 
>>>>> IotpDevice(topology, configFile));
>>>>>           /*
>>>>>            * Not sure if I need the next few lines or not ...
>>>>>            */
>>>>>           JsonControlService control = new JsonControlService();
>>>>>           provider.getServices().addService(ControlService.class, 
>>>>> control); 
>>>>>           ApplicationService appService = 
>>>>> AppService.createAndRegister(provider, provider);
>>>>>           provider.start();
>>>>> "Here is some info");
>>>>>   }
>>>>> }

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