I think I understand the confusion / issue now...

Your app created the IotpDevice (with its config) when it started up, as a 
param to the IotProvider.  You only create one.

I’m think your registered-jar’s embedded TopologyBuilder builder’s 
accept<Topology,JsonObject> needs to call 
IotDevicePubSub.addIotDevice(topology) to get a “virtual" IotDevice (linked to 
the original IotpDevice you created) for the topology it’s building.  This is 
alluded to in the IotProvider class javadoc.  (the 
IotProvider.registerTopology() impl does that automatically for you when using 
the non-registerJar based flow)

e.g., something along the lines of:
    class MyRegisterJarBasedBuilder implements TopologyBuilder {  // registered 
as Java service provider in the jar’s manifest
        BiConsumer<Topology,JsonObject> getBuilder {       
            return (topology,config) -> MyApp.myIotDeviceBasedBuilder( 
IotDevicePubSub.addIotDevice(topology), config) )

    class MyApp {
      static void myIotDeviceBasedBuilder(IotDevice iotDevice, JsonObject 
config) {
        Topology t = iotDevice.getTopology();
          … build your topology on “t” using iotDevice as needed

— Dale

> On Sep 19, 2016, at 10:30 PM, Susan Cline <home4...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> Many thanks, Dale.
> Still trying to figure this out …
> Cheers,
> Susan
>> On Sep 19, 2016, at 8:30 AM, Dale LaBossiere <dml.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> FYI I just created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/EDGENT-250 
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/EDGENT-250> to update IotProvider doc 
>> related to registerJar().  You should consider adding commentary there as 
>> part of your experiences — and/or consider tacking that jira and maybe even 
>> enhancing the doc further in this space :-)
>> — Dale
>>> On Sep 19, 2016, at 11:07 AM, Dale LaBossiere <dml.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The TopologyBuilder.getBuilder() impl is bogus.  Looks like it’s copied 
>>> from TestApplication().  All it does is return a builder (BiConsumer) that 
>>> creates a topology consisting of a TStream<String> containing one tuple 
>>> with the app’s name and prints that stream.
>>> Your getBuilder() impl needs to return a BiConsumer that builds your app’s 
>>> topology.  Looks like that’s what your accept() is trying to do.  Seems 
>>> like you want something like (though I’d rename that accept() to something 
>>> like “buildTopology()” for clarity).
>>>     public BiConsumer<Topology, JsonObject> getBuilder() {
>>>                     return (t,c) -> accept(t,c);
>>>     }   
>>> Fix that and then see what happens regarding handling of the submit 
>>> request.  You might also consider adding a println to your getBuilder() and 
>>> accept() to verify they’re getting called.
>>> — Dale
>>>> On Sep 16, 2016, at 5:44 PM, Susan Cline <home4...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Dale.  It did not work however, the results are the same after 
>>>> removing the 3 lines before provider.start().
>>>> When I submit the SpeedJarApp I can see this in the pi terminal (this is 
>>>> the full output from when I started the registerJarExample application to 
>>>> when I submitted the command):
>>>> pi@raspberrypi:~/devConf $ java -jar registerJarExample.jar 
>>>> speed_sensor_config1.txt
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:08 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>>> registerTopology
>>>> INFO: Register application name: edgentIotDevicePubSub
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:08 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>>> registerTopology
>>>> INFO: Register application name: edgentIotCommandsToControl
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:08 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>>> registerTopology
>>>> INFO: Register application name: edgentJobMonitorApp
>>>> false
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:09 PM pi.RegisterJarExample main
>>>> INFO: Here is some info
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:09 PM com.ibm.iotf.client.AbstractClient createClient
>>>> INFO: pool-1-thread-22-edgentIotDevicePubSub: Org ID    = ni6dcf
>>>>      Client ID    = d:ni6dcf:SpeedSensor:Pi3_SpeedSensor_1
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:09 PM com.ibm.iotf.client.AbstractClient connect
>>>> INFO: pool-1-thread-22-edgentIotDevicePubSub: Connecting client 
>>>> d:ni6dcf:SpeedSensor:Pi3_SpeedSensor_1 to 
>>>> ssl://ni6dcf.messaging.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com:8883 (attempt #1)...
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:10 PM com.ibm.iotf.client.AbstractClient connect
>>>> INFO: pool-1-thread-22-edgentIotDevicePubSub: Successfully connected to 
>>>> the IBM Watson IoT Platform
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:49 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>>> registerJar
>>>> INFO: Register jar: file:///home/pi/devConf/pi.sensors.jar
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:49 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>>> registerJar
>>>> INFO: about to call registerTopology
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:39:49 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.appservice.AppService 
>>>> registerTopology
>>>> INFO: Register application name: SpeedJarApp
>>>> SpeedJarApp
>>>> Sep 16, 2016 9:40:11 PM org.apache.edgent.runtime.etiao.Executable$1 accept
>>>> INFO: No more active user tasks
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Susan
>>>>> On Sep 16, 2016, at 10:32 AM, Dale LaBossiere <dml.apa...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I haven’t digested the complete email message yet, but try removing those 
>>>>> three lines before provider.start() and try again.
>>>>> IotProvider already create/registers those services (described in its 
>>>>> javadoc).  I guess I wouldn’t be surprised if these extra additions might 
>>>>> much things up.
>>>>> — Dale
>>>>>> On Sep 16, 2016, at 1:17 PM, Susan Cline <home4...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>>>>>> I’ve gotten a step further, but I am still having problems.
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> public class RegisterJarExample {
>>>>>>          IotProvider provider = new IotProvider(topology -> new 
>>>>>> IotpDevice(topology, configFile));
>>>>>>          /*
>>>>>>           * Not sure if I need the next few lines or not ...
>>>>>>           */
>>>>>>          JsonControlService control = new JsonControlService();
>>>>>>          provider.getServices().addService(ControlService.class, 
>>>>>> control); 
>>>>>>          ApplicationService appService = 
>>>>>> AppService.createAndRegister(provider, provider);
>>>>>>          provider.start();
>>>>>>          logger.info("Here is some info");
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>> }

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